- 网络andesine;andesine labradorite

The basalt is altered and olivine basalt . Plagioclase is mostly of labradorite and andesine , pyroxene mostly of augite , and olivine mostly replaced by iddingsite in rock-forming mineral .
High temperature of leaching with HF acid can be applied to dissolve the impurity companion minerals ( mica or feldspar ) with vein quartz .
Electron probe analysis on the diagenetic characteristics feldspar and quartz
Activity mechanism of feldspar for autoclaved fly ash products
TYPOMORPHIC significance of intensity of nature thermoluminescence of feldspars in several gold deposits
Study on stability of feldspar in Acidization system
The preliminary research on dynamic recrystallization and chemical transformations of feldspar in a mylonite zone
The gangue minerals include feldspar , albite , quartz , feldspar , in dolomite , calcite , sericite , chlorite , epidote and apatite amount .
Feldspar and quartz grains show widespread dynamical recrystallization in the mylonites of the shear belts . Their recrystallization patterns indicate deformation temperatures as high as 600 ~ 700 ℃ .
The contents of anhydrites cements closely connected with that of the feldspar in reservoir rock . The content of anhydrites cements in quartzose sandstone is low , and the content of that in felspathic sandstone is high .
The surface characteristics of main dissociation surface are quite different from the other two surfaces . The main dissociation involved in strong electronegative and strongest function with dodecylamine ; different surface properties of feldspar and quartz resulted in the interactive effects between feldspar and quartz flotation separation .
X-ray studies of alkali feldspar phenocryst from alkaline lava at tianchi , Changbaishan
This paper emphasizes the effect of the dissolution of aluminosilicate during diagenesis may provide more radiogenic strontium which would result in a high content of strontium in carbonate rocks .
The resolution reaction in alkali solution of feldspathic mineral , such as potash feldspar , albite and nepheline , is studied by thermodynamics , and the possibility of alkali released from feldspathic mineral and the effect to AAR are analyzed also .
There are many unstable components containing detrital feldspar , lithic fragments and so on . Content of potash feldspar decreases with increasing burial depth increases ( increasing diagenesis ) and gradually disappears below a depth of 2700 m in detrital feldspar of sandstone .
Modulated structure of alkaline feldspar in volcanic rock and its genesis
Alkali-feldspar Phenocrysts of the Granitoids in Dandong Area , China
A research on the paths of ordering of alkaline feldspars in volcanic rocks
Study on the recovering of feldspar and quartz from the ta - | nb concentrator tailings
Study on the composition and structure of feldspars in tertiary granites of Himalayas area , China
In such oxidation process , part of uranium in detritus of silicates such as feldspar , quartz etc.
Surface textures of feldspars from weathered granite crusts in the subtropical and tropical areas in the south of China
Evolution of K-feldspar in the red cross Lake pegmatitic granite ahd Its pegmatite aureole , Northeastern manitoba , Canada
DEFORMATION AND SUPERCONDUCTIVE ON DEFORMATION OF ARCHITECTURE The study of the limit deformation measurement with deformation feldspar in granite areas
The size and content variations of K-feldspar megacrysts in the Zhoukoudian pluton are controlled mainly by the cooling gradient dT / dt .
Silicate mineral-solubilizing bacteria can dissolve silicate minerals ( such as feldspars and micas ) and release the elements of potassium and silicon .
The characteristics of its occurrence , the electron microprobe analyses of albite in snowball texture and other evidence indicate its genesis of magma crystallization differentiation .
The coarse to medium grained felspathic graywacke with low maturity and high sand / mud ratio at the base was formed by gravity flow of high density .
Reservoir rock type is mainly medium-fine arkose , with deeply weathered and poor reservoir physical property . The oil reservoir belongs to typical low permeable deep seated reservoir .
We study the white jade , the results show that the content , the alteration extent and the fissures of anorthite are the controlling factor of Dushan jade 's transparence .