
zhōnɡ lì fǎ
  • law of neutrality;neutrality law
  1. 本文从社会转型与法律变迁的互动关系角度切入,分析了当代中国社会变迁中立法转型的问题。

    This text makes the transition from the society and starts and analyses with the inter-dynamic relation angle of legal changes , and have analyzed the question that the law of neutrality of contemporary Chinese social changes makes the transition .

  2. 立法程序的公平是现代法律制度中立法公平不可或缺的法理内涵。

    While rule-of-law justice includes two aspects of legislative justice and .

  3. 试论国家赔偿法中立法赔偿制度之构建

    Exploration on the State Compensation by the Legislation

  4. 第三部分,主要阐述美国实用主义中立法的实施及其影响。

    The third part mainly demonstrates the implementation and influence of pragmatism Neutral Act .

  5. 首先介绍了目前我国国内的知识产权在民法典中立法地位之争议。

    The thesis firstly introduces the debate as to the status of intellectual property in Chinese Civil Code .

  6. 从《中立法》到《租借法》&二战时期美国军火贸易政策探析

    From the Neutrality Laws to the Lend-Lease Act : Analysis on America Arms Trade During the Second World War

  7. 以上种种原因导致了我国立法过程中立法博弈的程度并不激烈。

    For the above reasons , the extent of the legislative game is not intense in the legislative process in China .

  8. 拟通过此部分来阐述我国比较广告的相关法律制度缺陷中立法的不足之处。

    This paper proposed by the part of China comparative advertising relevant legal regulation of the defects of the legislation of the shortcomings .

  9. 通过对案件的分析了解了在光污染案件的审理中立法上还是有相当的不足。

    Understanding through the analysis of the cases there are still considerable deficiencies in the trial of the case of light pollution legislation .

  10. 环渤海旅游立法冲突主要包括环渤海立法冲突中立法权限的冲突和立法文件内容及效力的冲突,归纳士旅游立法冲突的原因,可以分为主观方面的原因和客观方面的原因。

    The conflicts are mainly the legislative competence and the content and effect . The reasons can be reduced to the objective aspect and subjective aspect .

  11. 相比之下,我国的网络隐私权的研究就起步晚很多,现实中立法也不完善,许多侵犯公民网络隐私权的行为都得不到有效的控制。

    By contrast , it is later to research the right to net privacy in our country , the relative legislation is imperfect , and many tort behaviors cannot be impeded .

  12. 因此,笔者认为,刑事诉讼中立法当中确立刑事证据特权规则的目的就是为了保障刑事被告人的基本权利,维护其诉讼主体的尊严。

    Therefore , I believe that the purpose of establishing the rules in the criminal legislation is protecting the basic rights of criminal defendants , and their dignity of the subject of a action .

  13. 工伤保险是世界上最早产生和最早进行国家立法的一项社会保险,也是社会保险体系中立法最完善、制度最成熟、模式最统一的一项制度。

    Industrial injury insurance is one of the earliest produced social security insurance in the world . It has the most perfect legislation , the most mature systems and unity model in social insurance system .

  14. 我国民事再审制度中立法指导思想、再审事由、再审程序的提起主体及发动再审的期限存在缺陷,应该有所改良。民事程序立法中的国家本位主义批判&对我国民事诉讼立法指导思想的反思

    We should have the betterment in lawmaking guidance thought of the civil retrial system of our country . Criticism on State Standards of Civil Procedure Legislation ── Reflection on Basic Ideas of Civil Procedure Legislation in China

  15. 美国20世纪30年代的中立法,是美国中立外交政策在特定历史条件下的创新形式,是美国20世纪30年代外交政策的核心。

    The Neutral Acts in 1930s ' is an innovative form of American neutral diplomatic policy in the specific historical situation and is at the core of American foreign policy in the third decade of the 20th century .

  16. 尽管法律数量庞大,法律体系日趋完备,一个不容忽视的问题是,在现行有效的法律文本中立法语言失范化的现象非常普遍。

    Despite the large number of laws and the legal system becoming more and more completed , there is still a problem that it is very common that the legislative language in the legal texts in force is not standardized .

  17. 尤瑞·洛夫:军火贸易的首要规则是:永远不要被自己销售的武器击中。从《中立法》到《租借法》&二战时期美国军火贸易政策探析

    Yuri Orlov : The first and most important rule of gun-running is : Never get shot with your own merchandise . From the Neutrality Laws to the Lend-Lease Act : Analysis on America Arms Trade During the Second World War

  18. 具体行政行为违反法定程序的判决制度虽然试图充分体现程序的重要性,努力凸显维护公民程序性权利的价值取向,但在理论上存在程序本位主义的嫌疑,在实践中立法效果并不理想。

    Although the system of deciding a specific administrative act not accordant with legal procedure is planned to embody the importance of the procedure and show the value orientation of maintaining citizen 's procedural rights , its legislative effect is not ideal in practice .

  19. 社会保险法立法中授权立法和政府自由裁量权问题研究

    On Authorized Legislation and Governmental Discretional Power in Social Insurance Legislation

  20. 略论我国法律体系建构中的立法完善问题

    Discussing Briefly the Problem of Perfecting Legislation in Establishing Law System

  21. 但是,在实践中,立法语言无法避免模糊性。

    But in practice , vagueness is inevitable in legislative language .

  22. 我国职工董事在公司治理中的立法不足及其完善

    Deficiency and Improvement About Worker Directors in Corporate Governance in China

  23. 林地使用权流转中的立法研究

    Legislation research for circulation management of rights of forest lands utilization

  24. 拟议中的立法以法案的形式提出。

    Proposed legislation is initiated in the form of a Bill .

  25. 充分发挥人大在和谐社会建设中的立法职能作用

    Legal Function of the NPC in the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  26. 未来民法典中亲属立法的定位分析

    To Position Legislatively China 's Kinship Law in Civil Code

  27. 论城市法治建设中的立法常态

    The Normal Way of Legislation for Legal Construction in Cities

  28. 西部大开发中地方立法的思考

    Reflections on Local Legislation in the Western Development

  29. 当代中国社会变迁中的立法转型研究

    A Study on Legislative Transformation in the Course of Contemporary China 's Social Changes

  30. 但在试行过程中,立法与实践中还是存在不少争议。

    But in the trial process , legislation and practice still exists much controversy .