
  • 网络central neurotransmitter;central neurotrans-mitter
  1. 中枢神经递质和受体显像的研究现状

    Present Situation of the Study on Central Neurotransmitter and Receptor Imaging

  2. 开心散对强迫游泳小鼠中枢神经递质及血浆皮质醇的影响

    Effect of Kaixin Powder on central neurotransmitter and plasma cortisol in forced-swimming mice

  3. 多巴胺(DA)是中枢神经递质之一。

    Dopamine ( DA ) is one of neurotransmitters of the central nervous system .

  4. 人参皂甙Rb1和Rg1对小鼠中枢神经递质受体和脑内蛋白质合成的影响

    Influence of ginsenoside rb_1 and rg_1 on some central neurotransmitter receptors and protein biosynthesis in mouse brain

  5. 目的:研究人参皂苷(ginsenosides)Rg1和Rb1促进中枢神经递质释放作用的机制。

    Objective : To study the mechanism of ginsenosides Rg1 and Rb1 promoting neurotransmitters release .

  6. 它在人体中既是中枢神经递质也是外周调质,参与许多重要的生理和病理过程,而这些功能都是5-HT通过与细胞表面相应的特异性受体结合实现的。

    It involves in many important physiological and pathological courses in human and exerts these various functions by specifically binding to its receptors on cell surface .

  7. 5羟色胺(5-Hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)又叫血清素(serotonin),是一种重要的生物胺,它在人体中既是中枢神经递质也是外周调质,参与许多重要的生理和病理过程。

    5-Hydroxytryptamine , namely serotonin , is an important biology amic , It is both central nerves transmitter , which participates in many important physiology and pathology processes .

  8. 结论作为中枢神经递质的5-HT对应激性胃溃疡有一定影响,并在电刺激室旁核加重应激性胃溃疡中具有重要的调制作用。

    Conclusion As a CNS neurotransmitter , 5-HT has certain influence on the development of stress ulcers and can significantly modulate the aggravating effect of PVN stimulation on stress induced gastric ulceration .

  9. 实验发现染铅组母猴脑铅和脑组织脂质过氧化物含量明显高于对照组(P<0.05),中枢神经递质5-HT含量降低。

    In the exposed groups , the contents of lead and lipid peroxide in brain were higher ( p < 0 . 05 ) , and the contents of the serotonin ( 5-HT ) in cerebellum were lower than that of controls .

  10. 另外,建议就BCAA补充的最佳剂量及其对中枢神经递质和下丘脑神经激素的影响机制做进一步的研究。

    Further studies on the optimal dose of supplement of BCAA and its effect on central nervous transmitter and subthalamus nerve hormone were suggested .

  11. 目的:通过研究择时运动对大脑中枢神经递质多巴胺(DA)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)量变的时间生物学效应,探索择时体育疗法促进的帕金森病患者康复的科学性。

    Objective : Scientific basis of chrono-exercise enhancing patients ' rehabilitation state in Parkinson disease was investigated by means of the study on chronobiologic effects of chrono-exercise on the neurotransmitter dopamine ( DA ) and serotonin ( 5-HT ) in brain .

  12. 目的:研究缺锌对胎鼠发育及其脑组织内中枢神经递质去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)、5羟色胺(5HT)含量的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of zinc ( Zn ) deficiency on the growth and concentrations of central neurotransmitters , i.e. norepinephrine ( NE ), dopamine ( DA ), 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ), in the brain of rat fetuses .

  13. 研究目的:通过实验手段,初步探讨中药对高雌激素造成的经前抑郁状态的治疗效果及其对中枢神经递质5-HT的干预机制。

    Objective : Elementarily through the experimental method , discuss the treatment of Chinese herbs for the premenstrual depression state which is made by high estrogen level . Then explore and analyze the mechanism for the effect on 5-HT in the central nervous system which is taken by Chinese herbs .

  14. 应激状态对中枢神经递质及免疫功能的影响及干预

    Effect and intervention of stress on central neurotransmitters and immunological function

  15. 半导体激光对机体中枢神经递质影响的初步观察

    A Primary Observation on Neurotransmitters in CNS by Diode Laser

  16. 雌激素影响中枢神经递质代谢的实验研究

    The experimental study of effects of estrogen on central neurotransmitters

  17. 中枢神经递质对心血管活动的影响

    Influence of central neurotransmitters on cardio vascular action

  18. 锌缺乏对胎鼠中枢神经递质水平的影响

    Effect of zinc deficiency on the level of central neurotransmitters in brain of rat fetuses

  19. 针刺对老年大鼠及老年小鼠中枢神经递质的影响

    Influence of Acupuncture to the Contents of Neurotransmitter in Central Nervous System of Senile Rats and Mice

  20. 中枢神经递质乙酰胆碱与去甲肾上腺素在肠易激综合征大鼠模型的表达

    Expressions of acetylcholine and norepinephrine in the central nervous system of a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome

  21. 目的探索柴胡对肝郁证大鼠中枢神经递质的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of Radix Bupleuri on the central monoamine neurotransmitters of rats with Liver-qi Stagnation .

  22. 柴胡对肝郁证中枢神经递质作用的实验研究

    Experimental study of the effects of Radix Bupleuri on the central neurotransmitter of rat contracted the stagnation of liver-qi

  23. 中枢神经递质有升高血压、中快心率和降低血压、减馒心率两种机制。

    One is increasing heart rate and blood pressure , and the other is reducing heart rate and blood pressure .

  24. 结论滋肾调肝方对多动症大鼠中枢神经递质具有一定的调节作用。

    Conclusions The herb of nourishing kidney and liver can regulate the content of the central nerve transmitters of SHR .

  25. 结论针刺可以引起视中枢神经递质的变化,同时这种效应具有相对的穴位特异性。

    Conclusion Electric acupuncture can cause the change of neurotransmitters in the rabbit visual center , the effects are point specified .

  26. 手十二井穴刺络放血及电针对家兔脑血流图影响的中枢神经递质机理探讨

    A Study on Central Neurotransmitter Mechanism of the Effect of Puncturing the Superficial Blood Vessel of the Twelve Jing Points of Forepaws and Electroacupuncture on the Rheoencephalogram in Rabbits

  27. 本论文基于此目的,分离筛选出一种江浙蝮蛇毒碱性蛋白质,揭示了它的理化性质、作用途径及对中枢神经递质的调控机理,从而为江浙蝮蛇毒的新药开发奠定了理论基础。

    On the purpose , we separated a basic protein from the toxin , revealed its properties , role passage and modulation on neurotransmitters , and founded the theory for the new medicine development .

  28. 从人参对中枢神经递质、脑核酸和蛋白质的合成、谷氨酸能神经系统以及脑第二信使系统、神经细胞内钙超负荷等方面,阐述了人参促智作用的机理。

    The mechanisms of the nootropic effects of Ginseng are reviewed on the central neurotransmitters , DNA and protein synthesis in brains , the glutamatergic system , the second messenger system and calcium overload in neurotic cells .

  29. 文献综述包括中枢神经递质与脑缺血损伤时学习记忆关系的研究和中医药改善学习记忆功能作用的基础研究两个部分。

    The documental research includes two parts : the evolvement of the relation of the change of central neurotransmitter with learning and memory on cerebral ischaemia , the basement study of traditional Chinese medicine improve the function of learning and memory .

  30. 目的:潮热是围绝经期女性常见症状,其病理生理机制仍未知晓,体内性激素水平的下降可能导致了中枢神经递质的改变以及体温调定点的紊乱。

    Hot flush is one of most common symptoms in perimenopausal women . The pathophysiology of hot flushes remains unknown . A decline in hormone concentrations might lead to alterations in brain neurotransmitters and to instability in the hypothalamic thermoregulatory set point .