
zhōnɡ shān ɡōnɡ yuán
  • Zhongshan Park;Zhong Shan Park
  1. 于是家乐福在上海繁华的中山公园附近设点开店,而特易购则在saugman路上挑了一个店址。

    Hence Carrefour has set up shop in the glitzy Zhongshan Park area , while Tesco has chosen a site on the saugman road .

  2. 请问,去中山公园的路怎么走?

    Which is the way to the Zhongshan Park , please ?

  3. 王小姐和和艾丽丝将要去中山公园地铁站位置。

    MrsWang and Alice are going to Zhongshan Park underground station .

  4. 第一章主要介绍中山公园建设的历史背景。

    The first chart introduces the historical background of ZhongShan Park construction .

  5. 汤姆:我们去中山公园划船好吗?

    Tom : shall we go boating in Zhongshan park ?

  6. “抓贼”英语作文译文:一个星期天的上午,中山公园里有许多人。

    One Sunday morning , there were some people in Zhongshan Park .

  7. 周末,东东想要去中山公园。

    This weekend , Dongdong is going to go to the Zhongshan park .

  8. 武汉中山公园冬季鸟类群落研究

    Study on Structure and Diversity of Winter Bird Community in Wuhan Zhongshan Park

  9. 中山公园里有个邮票市场。

    There is a stamp market in Zhongshan Park .

  10. 中山公园有什么特色节目?

    What 's the specialty of Zhongshang park ?

  11. 是的,我去了中山公园。

    Yes , I went to Zhongshan Park .

  12. 就在这中山公园里啊。

    It 's right in the Zhongshan Park .

  13. 国庆节那天,中山公园里人山人海。

    On national day , there are people mountain people sea in Zhongshan park .

  14. 武汉中山公园园林小品的应用与探讨

    Discussion on the Utilization of Garden Artistic Creation in Zhongshan Park of Wuhan City

  15. 我们准备去中山公园。

    We are going to Zhongshan Park .

  16. 温州中山公园现状分析及改造方案探讨

    The Current Situation and Approaches Current Situation and Transformation Plan of Zhongshan Park in Wenzhou

  17. 她们在中山公园地铁站。

    They are waiting for the train .

  18. 它在中山公园隔壁。

    It 's next to Zhongshan park .

  19. 从百姓到公民:中山公园的塑型能力。

    From husbandman to the citizen : the configurate progess of the sun Yexian park .

  20. 我怎样去中山公园?你可以坐12公共汽车。

    How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? You can go by the No.12 bus .

  21. 从传统私家园林到近代城市公园汉口中山公园(1928年1938年)

    From Conventional Private Garden to Modern Urban Park & Hankow Zhongshan Park ( 1928 ~ 1938 )

  22. 无梁楼盖在泉州中山公园人防工程中的应用

    The Application of No Beam Building - Lip in ZhongShan Park of QuanZhou of Civil Air Defence Basement

  23. 北京有很多可爱的公园,例如颐和园、北海和中山公园。

    There are many lovely parks in Beijing , such as the Summer Palace , Beihai and Zhongshan Park .

  24. 佛山中山公园,位于佛山市东北部汾江河畔,是一个综合性公园。

    Zhongshan Park located at the bank of Fenjiang River , northeast of Foshan City , is a comprehensive park .

  25. 去中山公园要坐几站路?公路从山间峡谷穿过。

    How many stops are there to Zhongshan Park ? The road goes through a gap in / between the hills .

  26. 第三天:此次在上海的拍摄地点一个是苏州河畔,一个是在浦东,还有一个是中山公园。

    Day3 : Filming spots throughout Shanghai , one along the SuZhou Creek , one in Pudong , and Zhongshan Park .

  27. 整个酒店坐落中山公园北侧,公园是天然的后花园,毗邻优美湖畔。

    Entire hotel is situated in north of Zhongshan park , which is a natural back garden , neighboring graceful lakefront .

  28. 每天早晨,曙光初照,中山公园便有些上了年纪的人在那里打太极拳。

    Every morning , in the first glimmer of dawn , some older people are seen practicing Taijiquan in Zhongshan Park .

  29. 一个周日,超过1000名家长到北京中山公园互换成年子女的详细资料。

    In Beijing ` s Zhongshan Park one Sunday , more than 1,000 parents swap details on their single , grown offspring .

  30. 区内的主要景点有“汕头新八景”中的两景:桑浦山景区、中山公园。

    The main attractions in the region " Shantou Eight of the new " King of the two : Sang-Hill area , Zhongshan Park .