
  1. 论中国生肖邮票设计中的民俗性

    On the Folk - custom in the Design of Chinese Animal Stamp

  2. 中国生肖邮票和剪纸上羊的形象往往都是带胡须的山羊。

    Images on China 's zodiac stamps and papercuttings are often bearded goats .

  3. 加拿大邮政总局媒体负责人萨尔切纳表示,发行中国生肖邮票具有重要意义,一枚小小的生肖邮票可以为拉近国家间距离发挥重要作用。

    Salchner , Manager of Media and Community Affairs of Canada Post , said that these little stamps are very important , which can bridge the distance between countries and build relations .