
  • 网络chinese women;chinese woman;Chinese Lady
  1. 我其实想保持做个中国女人。

    I still preferred somehow to remain a Chinese lady .

  2. 我把那位中国女人送走了。

    I had to send my Chinese lady away .

  3. BBC新闻–一位66岁戴眼镜的中国女人可能不是大多人想象中的象牙走私头目,但这恰恰是坦桑尼亚调查人员对杨凤兰的指控。

    BBC News - A 66-year-oldbespectacled Chinese woman may not be most people 's idea of an ivory smugglingkingpin , but that 's exactly what Tanzanian investigators say Yang Fenglan is .

  4. 在他的最新小说《在如此完满的大海上》(OnSuchaFullSea)中,主人公是一个名叫“范”(Fan)的中国女人,生活在一个名为B-Mor的城市,而B-Mor其实是未来的巴尔的摩。

    His latest novel , " On Such a Full Sea , " centers on a Chinese woman named Fan who is a laborer in a city called B-Mor , a future version of Baltimore .

  5. 消费时代大众传播媒介与中国女人味神话

    Mass Media and Chinese ″ Femininity ″ Myth in the Consumption Age

  6. 我认为中国女人都很漂亮,而且有涵养。

    I think Chinese women are beautiful and so cultured .

  7. 所有的中国女人你想象的那么漂亮?

    That all Chinese women are so beautiful as you ?

  8. 我是个善良而诚实美丽的中国女人。

    I am a good and honest beautiful Chinese woman .

  9. 大多数中国女人是比较细薄,与其他妇女。

    Most Chinese woman are thin and slender compared with other women .

  10. 我是一个传统的中国女人,今年49岁。

    I am a traditional Chinese woman and this year is49 years old .

  11. 古代中国女人地位很低微。

    Women have a low status in ancient time .

  12. 像中国女人的气质,穿上旗袍是优雅而温柔的。

    Like a Chinese woman 's temperament , QiPao is elegant and gentle .

  13. 我和一个中国女人结婚。

    I am married to a Chinese woman .

  14. 她不应该出来就,省得让那些中国女人说三道四的。

    She wouldn 't leave the house , totally ostracized by those Chinese biddies .

  15. 中国女人比美国女人更具宽容心,特别是对待丈夫。

    Chinese women are more tolerant to their husbans compared with their Ameircan counterparts .

  16. 我是一个非常好的中国女人,非常诚实,善良,随和。

    I am very nice chinese woman , very honest , kind , easy going .

  17. 可能是因为中国女人对外国男人更有吸引力吧。

    I guess it 's because the Chinese women are more attractive to Western men .

  18. 你会找中国女人做女朋友吗?

    Will you have a Chinese girlfriend ?

  19. 在交换中沉浮的中国女人&从婚姻角度浅议交换理论

    The Chinese Women in the Exchange Marriages

  20. 方李邦琴&美国报业的中国女人

    Chinese Woman in the US Newspaper Industry

  21. 我是一个中国女人,不抽烟,不喝酒,不赌博。

    I am chinese woman , don 't smoke , don 't drink , not wager .

  22. 我是个典型的,传统的中国女人。

    I am a traditional Chinese woman , loyal , tender , caring , and filial .

  23. 我能说我觉得中国女人是世界上最漂亮的吗。

    Can I say that I thought the women are the most beautiful I have ever seen .

  24. 我在中国女人的平均规模里,我并不矮和不胖。

    I am an average sized woman in China , I am not short and not fat .

  25. 中国女人很美丽,美国女人也很美丽,天下的女人都是美丽的。

    Chinese women are beautiful . So are American ones . Actually , all women are beautiful .

  26. 中国女人比美国女人更相信命运。

    Chinese women believe more in fate than American women , especially when their husbands cheat on them .

  27. 穿着锦缎旗袍的中国女人、举止潇洒的中国生意人以及官员与国际组织交往着。

    Chinese women in brocade gowns and smartly suited Chinese businessmen and officials mingled with the international set .

  28. 无论是从事体力劳动,还是脑力劳动,中国女人远比美国女人更能吃苦,具有更坚忍的毅力。

    Chinese women work far more toughly than American women and they show a stronger power of will .

  29. 洋男人看着女人独自打拼而不管不顾令中国女人感到不可思议。

    Many Chinese women find it unbelievable that Western men would allow their girlfriends to rough it on their own .

  30. 这一点,在我看来,正是当今困扰中国女人们生活的最大问题。

    And that , I think , is a lot of what 's wrong in the lives of many Chinese women today .