
  1. 地下洞室中岩爆对策研究

    On study of countermeasures to control the rock blasting in underground cave

  2. 内窥镜辅助的乙状窦前入路中岩静脉的解剖学研究

    The anatomic study of the superior petrosal vein during the endoscope-assisted presigmoid approach

  3. 高层建筑中岩土工程勘察分析及应用实例研究

    The geotechnical engineering exploration analysis and application example research in high rise building

  4. 深井开采中岩爆灾害研究思路及方法

    Study Methods for Rockburst Disaster in Deep Deposit

  5. 地下工程中岩爆作用的主要特征

    Features of rock burst in underground works

  6. 地下工程施工中岩爆的形成机理及控制措施

    The Formation Mechanism of Rock Burst and Control Measures in the Construction of Underground Engineering

  7. 隧洞围岩中岩块位置的现场确定及岩块体积计算

    Ascertainment of the Position and Calculation of the Volume of the Block in Tunnel Wall Rock

  8. 隐形裂隙发育岩体中岩锚吊车梁的岩台开挖工艺探讨

    Some Discussions on Excavation Craftsmanship on Rock Bench of Rock Anchor in Growing Rock Body with Invisible Cracks

  9. 文章对施工图设计审查中岩土工程勘察专业审查的特殊性及其审查操作中的一些问题进行了讨论。

    This article discusses some questions about the particularity of rock and earth engineering investigation professional Checkup and its implementation .

  10. 攀枝花带和西岩区辉石在化学成分上比较原始,而东岩区和中岩区辉石的成分演化程度相对较高。

    As compared with the clinopyroxenes from the Panzhihua petro-zone and western petro-province , those from the eastern and central petro-provinces are more evolved in composition .

  11. 分析了小净距隧道常规爆破方法引起的围岩扰动范围,研究了隧道中岩柱的振动特征及其变化规律。

    It analyzes the disturbed areas of surrounding rock , due to the conventional blasting method , studies the vibration characteristics and variations of middle rock pillar .

  12. 提出了岩石典型全应力-应变关系曲线的数学描述,推导了岩爆发生的能量条件,并论述了不同力学系统中岩爆发生时释放能量与系统势能的关系。

    Presented Rock complete stress-strain curve and energy terms of rock burst , and the relation-ship between release energy and systematic potential energy in the rock burst is also obtained .

  13. 小净距隧道是有别于连拱隧道和分离式隧道的一种特殊的隧道结构形式,其施工方法和中岩柱加固技术还处于研究发展阶段。

    Neighborhood tunnel is a special tunnel structural style different from multi-arch tunnel and separated tunnel , and the construction methods and middle rock wall consolidation technology are still in developing stage .

  14. 修订港工地质勘察规范中岩土室内试验应循原则的商榷提示了新《水利水电工程地质勘察规范》岩体风化带划分标准及应用;

    THE PRINCIPLE REGARDING THE REVISION OF 《 THE CODE OF PORT ENGINEERING GEOLOGY INVESTIGATION TECHNOLOGY 》 presents the new Specifications for Engineering Geological Prospecting for Construction of Hydropower Projects to divide rock mass weathering zones and its application ;

  15. 本文采用平面和三维有限元数值分析方法针对小净距隧道设计、施工中岩柱加固判定条件和加固方法、主体结构设计参数、合理施工方法等问题展开了研究。

    Aiming at twin-bore tunnel with small spacing , this paper applied 2D and 3D FEM numerical analysis to study such key technologies as judging conditions of reinforcing middle rock pillars , reinforcing methods , design parameters of agent structures , reasonable construction methods .

  16. 分析讨论了地下埋管换热器设计中岩土热物性参数的确定,垂直竖井的回填材料、岩土冻结对埋管换热器的影响,埋管形式及埋管深度的选择。

    Analyses and discusses the determination of thermal properties of rock and soil , the influence of backfill materials of vertical shafts and rock and soil freezing on heat transfer , and the selections of form and depth in the design of buried heat exchangers .

  17. 直流电法是以大地中岩矿石的电阻率差异为基础,通过观测和研究人工建立的地电场的电性分布,来解决地质问题和找矿的勘探方法。

    The DC resistivity method is based on the difference of the resistivity of rocks and minerals in the earth . It is one of methods to solve the problems of geological exploration and prospecting through observe and study the electrical distribution of artificial established geoelectric field .

  18. 目前,在黄骅坳陷的北部和南部地区,奥陶系碳酸盐岩进入中成岩阶段B期,有利于天然气的生成与聚集;

    At present , the Ordovician carbonates are in the middle diagenetic stage B in the southern and northern Huanghua depression , which is favorable for generation and accumulation of natural gas .

  19. 该聚合物的pH值在4~9范围内对膨润土模拟污水有很好的絮凝能力,并能满足目前油田中碳酸盐岩中高温油水井酸化缓速的要求。

    It has good flocculating capability for the bentonite simulated sewage with pH value from 4 to 9 , and can delay the reaction velocity of acid with rock effectively .

  20. 碳主要来自不同比值水/岩反应体系中碳酸盐岩地层的溶解结果,但在沉积-热液改造型矿床中还可能有深部地幔去气作用带来的CO2。

    Carbon in the ores was mainly from the dissolution of carbonate rocks in hydrothermal systems with different water / rock ratios , though partial CO_2 in the fluids may be contributed by deep mantle degassing .

  21. 中国西南地区晚二叠世含煤岩系中粘土岩夹矸(TONSTEINS)研究的新进展

    A new development of research on the tonsteins ( clay rock partings ) in Late Permian coal measures , southwest China

  22. 城市防灾规划中的岩土工程问题

    Geotechnical engineering problems in city plan for mitigation of natural disasters

  23. 长江流域减灾防灾中的岩土工程对策

    Geotechnology measures for the sustainable development of Yangtze River Basin

  24. 第三系弱透水地层中泥灰岩地下水开发研究

    Study on groundwater exploitation in the marl in tertiary poor permeable stratum

  25. 动测中嵌岩桩的波速计算方法

    Wave velocity computation method of rock-socketed pile in dynamic detection

  26. 浅谈现代城市建设中的岩土工程问题与对策

    Geotechnology Problems and Its Solution for Construction in Modern City

  27. 华南地区泥盆-石炭系中碳酸盐岩型层控铀矿床的成矿规律探讨

    Metallogenesis of DEVONIAN-CARBONIFEROUS STRATA-BOUND carbonate-type uranium deposits in South China

  28. 该斑岩带斑岩属钙碱性系列、中酸性岩类。

    Porphyry rocks in this belt are intermediate-acid rocks of calc-alkaline series .

  29. 超压盆地中碎屑岩储集层的矿物岩石学特征

    Characters of petrology and mineralogy of reservoirs in overpressure basins

  30. 结晶岩中造岩矿物含量的定量计算方法

    A quantitative method for calculating modes of rock-forming minerals in crystalline rocks