
  • 网络ancient chinese philosophy;Chinese ancient philosophy;chinese traditional philosophy
  1. 主是中国古代哲学思想中的重要概念。

    Zhu is an important concept in the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  2. 中国古代哲学中气的内涵既具有物质性,又具有精神性。

    Qi in ancient Chinese philosophy has its material and spiritual connotation .

  3. 气是中国古代哲学中极为重要的范畴。

    Vigor was an extremely important category in Chinese ancient philosophy .

  4. 武学文化在中国古代哲学中的体现

    The Basic Principle of Wushu Embodied in Ancient Philosophy in China

  5. 天命论与中国古代哲学

    The theory of the mandate of heaven and the Chinese ancient philosophy

  6. 现代哲学与中国古代哲学的互释

    The Mutual Interpretation between the Modern Philosophy and the Chinese Ancient Philosophy

  7. 从中国古代哲学的角度来说,就是天人合一。

    From the perspective of ancient Chinese philosophy that Nature and Man .

  8. 水是中国古代哲学的核心隐喻,对中国文化产生了重要影响。

    Water is an important concept of Chinese philosophy before Qin dynasty .

  9. 和谐社会的中国古代哲学与文化视角

    Harmonious Society : An Ancient Chinese Philosophical and Cultural View

  10. 试述中国古代哲学对武术的影响

    On the Influences of Chinese Ancient Philosophy on Wushu

  11. 隐秀的内涵与中国古代哲学也有着内在相通之处。

    Its intension is also be tied with Chinese ancient philosophy and aesthetics .

  12. 再论中国古代哲学史上的精华所在

    Another Study of the Essence of the History of China 's Ancient Philosophy

  13. 气是中国古代哲学中表示物质存在的基本概念。

    Qi was a basic concept of material existence in Chinese ancient philosophy .

  14. 中国古代哲学与中医学研究纲领

    Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  15. 中医学与中国古代哲学生命本原说之探讨

    Theories of the Origin Life in Traditional Chinese Medicine and in Ancient Chinese Philosophy

  16. 略论中国古代哲学的地域性传统

    Studies on the regionalism of ancient Chinese Philosophy

  17. 言意的问题,是中国古代哲学的一项重要论题。

    The problem of words and meaning is the problem of ancient Chinese philosophy .

  18. 同时,它将中国古代哲学、美学、建筑学、景观学等统一于一体。

    Meanwhile , it integrates Chinese ancient philosophy , aesthetics , architecture , landscape .

  19. 并通过对比得出现象学与中国古代哲学的共通性。

    Moreover , proved the resemblance between the phenomenology and ancient philosophy in China .

  20. 道是中国古代哲学思想。

    Taoism is the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  21. 子午流注与中国古代哲学

    The Meridian Flowing and ancient Chinese philosophy

  22. 中国古代哲学认为自然

    Ancient Chinese philosophy took nature itself

  23. 人性问题是中国古代哲学长期争论不定的问题。

    The issue of humanity is a controvertible question of Chinese ancient philosophy in the long time .

  24. 园林之魂&浅析中国古代哲学思想对古典园林艺术的影响

    The Soul of Landscape & the Influence on the Classical Landscape art by the Chinese Ancient Philosophy

  25. 中国古代哲学与当代西方哲学,并不是水火不容、无法沟通和理解的。

    Philosophy of ancient China and contemporary philosophy of the West are not incompatible as fire and water .

  26. 中国古代哲学与自然科学的关系史撷要及其历史启示

    An Analysis of the Relation Between Classic Chinese Philosophy and Natural Science and the Historical Inspiration from them

  27. 中华民族崇尚黑色有着悠久的历史,黑色凝结并渗透了中国古代哲学、中国色彩美学的精髓。

    The essence of the ancient Chinese philosophy and Chinese color aesthetic is condensed and penetrated in black .

  28. 方法:查阅古典医著,摘录出有关动脉方面的记述,并参考中国古代哲学关于运动往复方面的观念,进行对照研究。

    Methods Find out the discussion about artery from ancient medical books and compare with Chinese ancient philosophy thoughts .

  29. 先秦道家的哲学思想对于中国古代哲学的产生和发展起着开山始祖的作用。

    Philosophy of Taoism in ancient Chinese philosophy produce and development plays the positive role of profiles of the father .

  30. 它源自中国古代哲学思想,与许多西方思想家的思想也不无近似。

    It stems from the ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts and has some similarity with the thoughts of many western thinkers .