
  1. 自此,中学语文教学大纲(或中学语文课程标准)再没有明确提及逻辑知识教学了。

    Logic education has never been mentioned in Middle School Chinese teaching syllabus since then .

  2. 语文教学突出人文教育,是教育部新修订的中学语文教学大纲确定的目的要求之一。

    The newly revised Chinese syllabus requires that humane education should be stressed in Chinese teaching .

  3. 可惜好景不长,在降低难度,减轻负担,明确要求的宗旨下,1986年《全日制中学语文教学大纲》删去了逻辑知识部分。

    But things changed later on , logic education was deleted from 《 Full - time Middle School Chinese teaching syllabus 》 in 1986 in the guideline of " decrease difficulty , reduce burden , define requirements " .

  4. 《全日制普通高级中学语文教学大纲》要求:在教学过程中,要进一步培养学生热爱祖国文字,热爱中华优秀文化的感情,培养高尚的审美情趣和一定的审美能力。

    Chinese teaching outline required : in teaching process , we should go on training the affection of students about love motherland writing and Chinese excellent culture , training the lofty aesthetic good taste and certain aesthetic ability .

  5. 1963年《全日制中学语文教学大纲(草案)》在教学内容部分规定:教学语法、修辞、逻辑等知识,是培养阅读能力和写作能力的辅助手段。

    《 Full - time Middle School Chinese teaching syllabus ( Draft )》 in 1963 regulated that " the knowledge of grammar , rhetoric and logic is auxiliary means to develop reading ability and writing skills " in its teaching content section .