
  • 网络Clinical Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine
  1. 然而,长期以来,由于众多中医临床研究者观察认识问题的角度不同,同时,又缺乏统一的IgA肾病中医诊断标准,因而导致对IgA肾病患者的临床证候认识的多样化与非特异性。

    However , multitude TCM clinical researchers have different views to observe and kow IgAN . There is short of unified TCM diagnostic code meanwhile . It leads to various and non-specific recognition for IgAN clinic syndromes .

  2. 中医临床研究方法的思考与实践&系统生物学湿干研究模式与中医临床研究

    Design and Practice of Wet-Dry Approach in Clinical Research of TCM

  3. 糖尿病胰岛素抵抗的中医临床研究概况

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Research on Insulin Resistance in Diabetes Mellitus

  4. 对中医临床研究现状及存在问题的思考

    Reflecting on Present Situation and Existence Question in Clinical Research of TCM

  5. 浅谈中医临床研究中存在的几个问题

    Several problems existed in clinical study of traditional Chinese medicine

  6. 慢性萎缩性胃炎的中医临床研究近况

    A Recent Situation in TCM Clinical Research of Atrophic Gastritis

  7. 糖尿病视网膜病变中医临床研究近况

    Clinical Study Progress of Diabetic Retinopathy Treated by TCM

  8. 对中医临床研究的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on Clinical Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  9. 络病的中医临床研究进展

    Research progress of TCM clinic of collateral disease

  10. 基于半结构深度访谈法探讨中医临床研究的方案优化

    Application of semi-structured and in-depth interview on optimization of clinical research program in traditional Chinese medicine

  11. 重视基线考察提高中医临床研究质量

    Emphasis on the Role of Baseline Study in Enhancing the Clinical Research Quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  12. 目的:分析探讨当前老年病中医临床研究中存在问题的解决途径。

    Objective : To look for means to resolve problems on the clinical study of senile diseases .

  13. 试验性中医临床研究设计的基本原则及特殊思考

    The Fundamental and Especial Advisement about How to Design the Protocol of Traditional Chinese Medical Clinical Trial

  14. 立足科技前沿构建现代化的中医临床研究技术平台

    Have a foothold of technology frontline , Construct the modernized technical platform of clinical research of Traditional Chinese medicine

  15. 中医临床研究中症状舌脉及证候一致性评测的探讨

    A Study on Agreement of Evaluating Symptoms , Tongue , Pulse Signs and Syndroms of TCM in Clinical Research

  16. 目的:主要目的:探讨定性研究深度访谈法在中医临床研究中的基本步骤和规范以及数据分析程序。

    The main one is to form a base about applying in-depth interview for clinical research of Chinese Medicine in future .

  17. 分析了中医临床研究发展的客观性,弘扬中医文化的必要性,妨碍中医临床发展的一些主要因素。

    Objectivity in clinical research progress , necessity of developing Chinese medical culture , and some factors hindering clinical progress of Chinese medicine are analyzed .

  18. 特别是目前在中医临床研究规范化的过程中,这方面的问题尤为突出,亟需解决。

    At present , this problem in the course of the standardized clinical research on traditional Chinese medicine is particularly prominent and needs to be solved urgently .

  19. 本文主要讨论一个面向中医临床研究的示范性数据仓库系统的设计与构建。

    The thesis is about the design and construction issues in a data warehousing project in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) clinical management and research .

  20. 由于中医临床研究的复杂性,致使其信息系统和信息处理技术要求高、难度大,故采取先易后难的方法。

    Due to the complexity of Chinese medicine clinical research , and the difficulty of information systems and information processing technology requirements , therefore , taking the first step is difficult .

  21. 尽管不断有新的制剂问世,但迄今为止尚无大家公认的疗效好而副作用少的治疗方法。痤疮治疗是近年来中医临床研究的新热点。

    There is no widely accepted good method for curing the acne till now . The acne treatment becomes a new hotspot of Chinese medicine clinical research for the past few years .

  22. 文献综述分两篇,第一篇为中医临床研究方法概况,主要论述了传统的及现代的中医临床研究方法的概况。

    The document survey divides into two , the first is ' clinical research approach overview of Chinese medicine ' , have described the overview of the traditional and modern clinical research approach of Chinese medicine mainly .

  23. 文章对2000年以来有关糖尿病视网膜病变中医临床研究的文献作一综述,其中着重梳理了治疗方面的相关研究,阐述了诊断方面临床研究的进展和中医药治疗的临床研究进展。

    The paper summarized the clinical study progress of diabetic retinopathy treated by TCM since 2000 years , it cleared the research on the treatment respects mainly , also expounded the research progress in diagnosis and treatment with TCM .

  24. 通过进一步的完善工作将使该量表作为一种实用的手段应用于抑郁症患者的临床证候诊断分级中,并为抑郁症的中医临床研究提供新的依据。

    Through further improvement is to increase the scale as a kind of practical method is applied to the depression patients in the diagnosis of clinical syndrome classification , and provide a new basis for depression in traditional Chinese medicine clinical research .

  25. Delphi法及其在中医临床指南研究中的应用

    Delphi method and its application in research for clinical guidelines of traditional Chinese medicine

  26. DME方法在中医药临床研究中运用的再思考

    Rethought on Applying DME method in Clinical Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  27. EBM在中医临床辨证研究中的运用

    Research of evidence-based medicine into TCM clinical differential diagnosis

  28. 导师金明秀教授从事风湿性疾病中医药临床研究多年,特别对RA的中医治疗,有自己独特的理论认识和治疗体会。

    My tutor & Professor Jin Mingxiu has been engaged in research of rheumatic diseases in treatment of TCN for many years .

  29. 吾师金明秀教授,长期从事风湿类疾病中医药临床研究,尤其运用中医活血法治疗RA,积累了丰富的临床经验。

    My supervisor Professor Jin is engaged in the clinic of the rheumatic disease long time , and has accumulated plenty of clinical experience in treating RA using the method of activating blood circulation and resolution stasis .

  30. MEDIS是实现中医临床干湿研究模式的基础平台,本文对MEDIS的技术方案、主要功能组件以及应用案例进行了介绍和探讨。

    MEDIS will be the technological infrastructure of TCM clinical dry-wet research mode . In this paper , we present the technique solution , core functional components and application cases of MEDIS .