
ɡè tǐ jīnɡ yínɡ
  • individual operation;individual management
  1. 以发展生产力为前提,以联产承包责任制为形式,在个体经营不断发展的基础上,逐步实现传统农业向现代农业、个体经营向集约化经营的发展。

    To develop productive forces as the premise and the system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output as the pattern , the traditional agriculture are progressing , on the basis of the continuous development of individual operation , towards modern agriculture and the individual operation towards intensify .

  2. 在此基础上,本文首先运用法经济学的相关理论,切入到公司的内部组织关系中,揭示了公司所谓社会责任的实质&只是公司个体经营行为外部性的客观表现。

    First , It discloses so-called " social responsibility " is company 's individual management behavior exteriors objective expression through economics of law relative theory and then cutting into the internal relationship .

  3. 我想你是个体经营吧。

    You 're self-employed , I gather .

  4. 官方数据显示,英国个体经营(soletrader)企业数量增加,帮助将英国的企业数量推至创纪录高位。

    Growth in the number of sole traders helped to push up the number of businesses in the UK to a record high , according to official figures .

  5. 解放前,地毯是由个体经营户做的。

    Before liberation , carpets were made by individual households .

  6. 不包括资质以外的建筑业企业和个体经营户。

    Non-accredited construction enterprises or individual enterprises are not included .

  7. 要是你个体经营,纳税会减少吗?

    Do you pay less tax if you 're selfemployed ?

  8. 定位系统标示个体经营户地理和户籍信息;

    Fixed position system signs the information geography and registered permanent residence .

  9. 第二章的目的是简要介绍西方发达国家网上个体经营活动管理的的立法和监管经验,以期对我国实践有所借鉴。

    The second chapter is to introduce the advanced practices of developed countries .

  10. 从事个体经营的残疾人;

    Disabled persons who engage in self-employed businesses ;

  11. 也许对某些人来说是突然间的变换工作、或者是有一个突然的契机让你开始个体经营。

    Perhaps a sudden job change for some , or a sudden opportunity to be self-employed .

  12. 家庭式或个体经营业务同样在某种程度上与上市公司也有相似之处。

    So do family-owned or owner-operated businesses and , to a certain degree , public companies .

  13. 从事个体经营的符合国家规定条件的失业人员;

    Unemployed persons who engage in self-employed businesses and meet the conditions as prescribed by the State ;

  14. 现阶段集贸市场的计量管理工作主要由质量技术监督部门负责,管理的对象是集贸市场内的个体经营商户。

    The measuring instruments of self-employed businesses is mainly managed by Quality and Technical Supervision Departments currently .

  15. 一切个体经营的农民,终归是要走这三户贫农所坚决地选择了的道路的。

    All peasants now farming individually will eventually take the road resolutely chosen by these three poor peasant households .

  16. 方法对高校分别由学校经营、承租经营和个体经营的15个食堂或餐厅、40名从业人员进行现场检查和评分,并对检查结果进行综合分析。

    Methods Field checkup and mark for three different management types of 15 dining halls or cafeterias and 40 workers .

  17. 有些是不合格的因为他们是个体经营户,或者还没有在一个岗位上工作至少六个月。

    Some are ineligible because they are self-employed or haven 't been at a job for at least six months .

  18. 在五分之二人口从事个体经营的印度,开办企业却要花42天。

    In a country where two out of five people are self-employed , it takes 42 days to start a business .

  19. 个体经营户、退休人群、自由职业者划为贡献类,医疗费用由自己承担。

    Self-employed workers , pensioners and independent professionals belong to the contributive category and they pay for their own medical care .

  20. 禁止不满16周岁的未成年人开业从事个体经营活动。

    Minors under the age of16 are prohibited from starting business and engaging in individual business operation activities . , Y : f.

  21. 个体经营模式之经营权和产权均归个人所有,责、权、利三统一,挂靠公司运营,公司提供中介服务。

    The operation and property rights of individual business mode are owned by the individual . Responsibilities , rights and interests are uniform .

  22. 目前乡镇企业仍是转移农村剩余劳动力的重要渠道,农产品加工业在安置农村剩余劳动力方面也发挥了一定作用,其他农村剩余劳动力参与农村基础设施建设或从事个体经营。

    Township enterprises are still the main channel to transfer rural labor force , and agricultural products processing also plays an important role .

  23. 国家支持劳动者自愿组织起来就业和从事个体经营实现就业。

    The State supports the workers to organize themselves , voluntarily for business operations or go in for individual businesses to increase employment .

  24. 我是一座个体经营的、名为“8英尺新娘”的活雕像,我喜欢告诉别人这是我的工作,

    I was a self-employed living statue called the Eight-Foot Bride , and I love telling people I did this for a job ,

  25. 从某种程度上来说,新的合作技术使我们重返工业化前的小规模公司,即个体经营模式。

    In one sense , the new co-ordination technologies enable us to return to the re-industrial organizational model of small , autonomous businesses .

  26. 对于年轻人来说,如果既缺乏经验,又没有必要的人际关系可以在民间或政府部门得到工作机会,个体经营通常还是他们唯一的选择。

    Self-employment is often the only option for young people who lack experience and connections necessary to secure jobs in the private or public sectors .

  27. 目标是创造100万美元的能力,可在世界各地杠杆对个体经营单位的需求。

    The goal was to create $ 100 million worth of capability around the world that could be leveraged on-demand by its individual business units .

  28. 这些公司希望说服像应国华(音)这样的购车者继续忠于中国品牌。49岁的应国华是北京人,从事个体经营。

    These companies are hoping to persuade car buyers such as Ying Guohua , a 49-year-old self-employed Beijing resident , to remain loyal to Chinese brands .

  29. 在荷兰,性交易是合法且受到法律管制的,性工作者被视为“个体经营”并且可以在报纸和网络上公开发布广告。

    Prostitution is legal and regulated in the country , where sex workers are considered " self-employed " and can openly advertise in newspapers and online .

  30. 投保人包括自然人和民事主体的法人、其他经济组织、个体经营户、农村承包经营户。

    Organization of the legal person that policy-holder includes natural person and civil principal part , other economy , individual manage door , the country contracts manage door .