
ɡè tǐ qǐ yè
  • individual enterprise;sole proprietorship
  1. 诚信五金抛光制品厂成立于2004年,个体企业。

    Integrity hardware polishes factory was established in2004 , the individual enterprise .

  2. 在考虑整体成本目标和个体企业约束条件的基础上,建立了一个供应链构建决策模型。

    By considering the cost objective of the whole supply chain and the constrain conditions of the individual enterprise , we build a decision model for supply chain formation .

  3. solopreneur(个体企业创业经营者)是指“自己创建、经营公司的人”。

    A solopreneur refers to a " person who sets up and runs a business on their own " .

  4. 像孟加拉的Grameen银行和BRAC以及印度的妇女个体企业协会(SEWA)这样的机构,数十年来为大量的贫困人口提供了金融资源。

    Organizations like Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank and BRAC and India 's Self Employed Women 's Association ( SEWA ) have provided financial resources to large numbers of poor people for decades .

  5. 当业主无力经营或死亡的时候,这家个体企业也就宣告结束。

    A sole proprietorship ends with the incapacity or death of the owner .

  6. 关于加强个体企业财务会计管理的思考

    A Consideration of Strengthening the Management of the Sole Proprietary Enterprise 's Financial Accounting

  7. 连锁商店的兴起阻碍了个体企业和合伙企业的发展。

    The rise of the chain store has inhibited the development of single proprietorships and partnerships .

  8. 个体企业是以对市场变化反应灵敏著称的。

    Self-employed businesses are famous for being able to respond almost instantly to changes in demand ;

  9. 为什么处于相同的宏观经济环境和行业背景中,个体企业的资本结构却存在着差异?

    Why individual firm differentiates from each other on the capital structure in the same macroeconomic and industry ?

  10. 根据法律规定,个体企业比起公司来应交纳的税少,税率也低。

    And an individual proprietor , by law , pays fewer taxes and at a lower rate than does a corporation .

  11. 合伙企业与个体企业相同,政府并不要求他们像公司那样经常报告经营情况。

    The partnership , like individual ownership , is exempt from most of the reporting that the government requires of corporations .

  12. 对于大规模经济活动来说,公司这种经营形式比个体企业或合伙企业更为灵活。

    The corporate form of business is a more flexible instrument for large-scale economic activity than the sole proprietorship or partnership .

  13. 在我国,小到中小型的民营个体企业,大到世界级的跨国公司都在积极地投身其中。

    In China , small to medium private individual enterprises and large multinational corporations to the world are actively participating in them .

  14. 这一点没有错,但熊彼特的理念涉及的是这些因素在经济制度演变中发挥的作用,而非个体企业的规划。

    But Schumpeter 's ideas relate to the role these factors play in the evolution of economic systems , not the planning of individual businesses .

  15. 金融政策委员会将监控整个系统,而英格兰银行一个新建立的审监控机构将会对个体企业进行监控。

    The FPC will look at the whole system , while a new Prudential Regulation Authority at the Bank of England will monitor individual firms .

  16. 从个体企业到合伙再到公司,不单单是企业组织形式的变化也是产权关系的跳跃和升华。无论是公司治理结构的完善和现代企业制度的建立还是国有企业改革都需要产权法律理论的支持。

    From individual proprietorship to partnership and then to corporation , the changes is not limited in forms of organizations but in institutions of corporation property .

  17. 为了理解和合理化个体企业的运营,现在我们有必要研究一下企业所在的商业网络。

    To understand and rationalize the operations of an individual firm , it is now necessary to study the business networks in which the firm is embedded .

  18. 分工演进一方面导致交换和协作的需求,另一方面带来了市场范围的扩大和竞争方式的转变&由个体企业间的竞争转向了企业群体间的竞争。

    On one hand , work-division brings change and cooperation demand . On the other hand , the competition among individual enterprises moves to the competition enterprise clusters .

  19. 我国西部和东部的差距不是表现在大城市之间的差距,主要表现在西部生态和生存环境的恶化及乡镇企业和个体企业落后。

    The gaps between China 's west and east region are not the cities but the ecological and living environment , village and township enterprises and individual economy .

  20. 尽管(历史上有政府的干涉)政府历来干预经济,美国的个体企业仍然能够决定但是美国人人都能选择为谁工作和他们购买的产品买什么东西。

    Yet despite this history of government intervention , individuals in the United States have always been able to choose for whom they will work and what they will buy .

  21. 作为一个个体企业的业主,如果你工作努力,赚了一小把钞票,你就可以拿走全部利润,不必和其他任何人分享。

    As a sole proprietor , if you work hard and make a small fortune , you can take all the profits and don 't have to share them with anyone else .

  22. 人们原本可能希望,身为保守党人的首相会借机提出一种更可持续的资本主义模式,提倡社会责任以及个体企业和利润动机。

    One might have hoped that a conservative Prime Minister would have seen a chance to articulate a more sustainable model of capitalism , promoting social responsibility alongside individual enterprise and the profit motive .

  23. 虚拟企业是敏捷制造模式下企业间一种重要的组织方式,也是个体企业在动态经营环境下通过合作实现外来资源获取与集成的重要手段。

    Virtual Enterprise ( VE ) is not only an important organizational mode to enable Agile Manufacturing , but also a strategy for individual firm to obtain and integrate outside resources in the dynamic business environment .

  24. 作为贤内助和老板娘角色以及朝鲜族女性吃苦耐劳、善于管理的品德,使主妇成为家族企业的支柱,在朝鲜族个体企业的发展中起着关键性的作用。

    As " assistance " and " boss ' wife " , Korean women become mainstay of family enterprises because of their virtue of diligence and careful management , and make great role in Korean private enterprises ' development .

  25. 而我国的集团公司平均寿命7-8年,小企业的平均寿命仅为2.9年,每年有近100万家企业倒闭(不包括个体企业)。

    In our country , the average life of group companies is 7-8 years , that of small business enterprises only 2.9 years , and there are almost 1,000,000 business enterprises bankruptcy annually ( not including the individual business enterprises ) .

  26. 在我国目前,能构成核心就业的主要有私营企业和个体企业的就业、新型资本形式企业的就业和国家机关和事业单位的就业。

    At present , in our country , the core employment is mainly composed of the employment in private enterprises and individual enterprises , the employment in enterprises of new capital forms , and the employment in state agencies and public institutions .

  27. 近年来,我国出现财务失败的企业日益普遍,这一问题不仅存在于国有企业、集体企业、民营企业和个体企业,也同样存在于翻牌公司之中。

    This year , my business and the emergence of financial mismanagement of individual failures have become increasingly widespread ; the problem not only exists in state-owned enterprises , collective enterprises , private enterprises and individual enterprises , also exist in " transforming " business .

  28. 随着竞争日益加剧,现代企业管理已经开始从个体企业管理向供应链方向转变,企业主管们意识到供应链伙伴间的协调、整合是企业成功的关键。

    With the competition increasingly fierce , the management of modern enterprise has changed from the management of individual enterprise to supply chain management . Managers have woken up to the problem that the harmony of associate in supply chain is the key of success .

  29. 有人说,面临危险的是整个意大利制造概念的存在个体企业是意大利时尚感所体现的质量和风格的保证,或者说国外太多意大利商品爱好者这样认为。

    At stake , say some , is the survival of the entire Made in Italy concept artisanal firms that are the guarantors , or so many lovers of Italian goods abroad believe of the quality and style that embody the sense of Italian fashion .

  30. H村私营企业主协会是在协作网络的基础上,在村庄精英的推动下由H村的个体私营企业主自发成立的,兼具经济功能和社会功能,行业性和乡上性的合作组织。

    Association of Private Entrepreneurs in Village H based on collaborative networks and promoted by village elites , is set up spontaneously by entrepreneurs .