
  • 网络private economy;Individual Private Economy
  1. 抓住机遇促进苏南个体私营经济健康发展

    Capture the Opportunities and Promote the Private Economy of South Jiangsu

  2. 努力促进个体私营经济的发展

    Try Hard to Promote the Development of Individual Private Economy

  3. 个体私营经济的税收征管

    Taxation on the Private Sector of the Economy & its Management

  4. 新疆个体私营经济发展的比较分析及定位

    Comparative Analysis and Location of Individual or Private Economic Development in Xinjiang

  5. 偏好、信用与机会主义:个体私营经济结算工具选择

    Preference , Credit and Opportunism : The Settlement Instruments for Private Business

  6. 我国个体私营经济的拓变及走势

    The Development and Prospect of China 's individual Economy of Private Ownership

  7. 关于发展个体私营经济的哲学思考

    On Developing Individual Economy from the Perspective of Philosophy

  8. 宁波个体私营经济的发展特点及其成因剖析

    Characteristic and Analysis of the Development of the Individual and Private Economy in Ningbo

  9. 1957&1966年党的个体私营经济政策述评

    An Account of the Party 's Policies Towards Individually-Owned Businesses Between 1957 and 1966

  10. 金融支持个体私营经济发展的对策

    Measures to Bolster Financial Support for Private Economy

  11. 正确认识和大力发展个体私营经济

    On Correctly Understanding and Devoting Major Efforts to Develop the Privately Owned Individual Economy

  12. 我国个体私营经济发展的特征及趋势分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristic and Tendency in Developing Our Country 's Proprietary Private-run Economy

  13. 从个体私营经济的发展看其在国民经济中的作用

    On the Role of Individual Private Economy in National Economy in view of Its Development

  14. 江西省个体私营经济对经济发展贡献的数量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis of the Contributions to the Economic Development by Private Economy in Jiangxi

  15. 本文介绍了宁波个体私营经济的发展特点,并分析了宁波个体私营经济迅速发展的原因。

    It introduced the characteristics of the development and analysed the reasons why in the article .

  16. 中国的个体私营经济是伴随着改革开放大潮成长和壮大起来的。

    China 's individual and private economic sector has developed in the tide of reform and opening-up .

  17. 必须毫不动摇地发展个体私营经济

    Developing the Private Economy Steadily

  18. 个体私营经济在中国社会主义现代化建设中发挥了重要作用。

    The individual and private sector has played an important role in China 's socialist modernization drive .

  19. 这表明了党和政府大力发展个体私营经济的坚定信心,也迎来了商丘市个体私营经济发展史上的又一个春天,出现了一个从未有过的良好机遇。

    It fortified our Party and government 's confidence to develop individual and private economy with major efforts .

  20. 发展个体私营经济,必须建立一支优秀的企业家队伍。

    It is necessary to build up a troop of excellent entrepreneur for the development of private economy .

  21. 但个体私营经济发展滞后是一个重要的原因。

    But the important reason for falling behind is that the development of private economy lags behind others .

  22. 新中国成立以来个体私营经济发展政策回顾

    A Review of Policies on the Development of Individual and Private Economy Since the Founding of New China

  23. 对个体私营经济来说,市场机制一直是配置资源的基本方式。

    For the individual and private economic sector , market mechanism has been the basic form for resources distribution .

  24. 1966-1976年我国个体私营经济政策述评

    A Survey of China 's Policy about Individual Economy and Private Sector of Economy in the Years from 1966 to 1976

  25. 个体私营经济问题,是我国社会主义建设过程中必须认真对待和正确处理的一个重要问题。

    The issue of the individual business economy is one that has demanded serious treatment and correct handling as our country builds socialism .

  26. 个体私营经济可持续发展的关键在于创新&湘潭市个体私营经济发展的调查报告

    Creation : A key to Sustainable Development of Privately-owned Individual Economy & A Research into the Development of Privately-owned Individual Economy in Xiangtan

  27. 随着理论上的创新与突破及相关政策的调整,个体私营经济最终走出困境,迎来新的发展高峰。

    With the innovation and breakthrough in theory and adjustment of relative policies , the individual economy in China eventually shaked off the predicaments .

  28. 个体私营经济已从当初的拾遗补缺,发展成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。

    The sector has developed from a supplement to the national economy at the beginning to a major component of the socialist market economy .

  29. 随着个体私营经济的快速发展,无照经营作为一种社会现象越来越突出,危害也越来越突出。

    With the rapid development of private economy , operating without a license as a social phenomenon more and more prominent , more and more prominent harm .

  30. 目前全市非国有经济占全市总产值的比重达53%,个体私营经济占非国有经济的产值为11%。

    At present , production value of non-state economic development accounts for 53 % of GDP of the city , while individual and private economy accounting for 11 % .