
Economic man assumption is that when people engage in economic activities , pursue personal interests of the maximum .
Morals construction should be strengthened ethical education , as well as comply with the maximized principle of the individual interests .
Litigation of the parties aim to spend the least time and cost to obtain a ruling maximize their personal interests .
So the managerial actions that damaged the profits of the tourism companies for pursuing the maximum personal benefit must be avoided .
General speaking , it is a benefit game . The behaviors and attitudes from two parties will embody the pursuit of maximizing individual benefits .
From the pragmatism position : protect HIV Carriers and AIDS Patients can promote their individual benefit maximization , therefore promote social benefit maximization directly or indirectly .
Traditional economic theory is based on " rational man " premised on the assumption that people are perfectly rational maximization entirely personal interests of the individual .
As social animals , when making decisions , human beings not only concern about the maximization of self interest , but also show preference for fairness and altruism .
Studying the economic significance and practical significance , which is how fair product ? Why have the fair product in the process of players pursue the personal interest maximization respectively ?
The economic theory based on the maximization of individual interests has encountered a lot of contradictions . And the system of economics should be reconstructed on the bases of cooperative thought of the maximization of common interests .
The new classical economics claims that the behaviors that individuals seek for their interests ' maximization , can harmonize the conflicts between individual interests and social interests , and also can realize the equilibrium of social optimum .
In the horizon of the theory of power control plus service , administrative body as the rational economic man to pursue maximize personal interests , unconsciously promoted the public interest under the guidance of the administrative law .
Over investment means that managers invest in the project on the net present value is less than zero in order to pursue personal interests , inadequate investment means managers give up the net present value is greater than zero investment to avoid failure .
The motivation of supervision fading out even disappearing , leads large shareholders deviating from the purpose of maximizing the benefit of the whole shareholders or maximizing the efficiency of the enterprise , turning to realize the maximum individual benefit based on the existing organization .
Equity incentive mechanism tie in the owner and manager together , as a result , the agency cost has been cut down while managers have been motivated effectively in a long time , then achieve the unify of the maximization of value by shareholders and managers .
The clients how to design a set of effective incentive system and restraint mechanisms to meet the agents ' order that maximize the individual interests of enterprises and to maximize profit at the same time now becomes to the first problem which the company to solve .
The environmental and natural resources have typical feature of public goods , people consume them with non-competition and non-exclusiveness , everyone wants to become free rider , fight for limited natural resources without control , seek for the maximal personal benefit , which lead to lower welfare at last .
The morals are not means to pursue the maximized personal material interests .
Individual rationality for the classic price analysis in general equilibrium was affirmed , whatever the rationality is maximization of individual substance interest or maximization of individual utility .
The new systemic economics , the author maintains , only emphasizes abstract analysis of persuasion of maximum personal material interests , while neglects the social aspects of personal material interests in reality .
Although fanners do not maximize the private-profit from the process absolutely , they have to pursue a relative maximization of the benefit , which , in fact , means minimizing the relative loss . 2 The benefit of bio-pesticide adoption consists of economic benefit and social benefit .
The " economic person " hypothesis emphasizes the person in economic activities of from benefit motive with reasonableness ability .
And influenced by the commercial atmosphere and money rule , old Shanghai citizens grew rational spirits to realize the rationalism of individuals and society .