
  1. 个人信贷业务发展及风险防范问题研究

    Research into the development and warding off risks about individual loans Personal Communication

  2. 个人信贷业务的风险来源与控制

    The Origin and Control of the Consumer Credit Risk

  3. 目前,信用卡业务已成为了国内外各大商业银行重点发展个人信贷业务之一。

    Now , commercial banks have focused on the development of credit card business .

  4. 并且,这一问题已在一定程度上制约和阻碍了个人信贷业务的良性发展。

    To some extent this problem has constrained and impeded the sound development of consumer credit business .

  5. 近些年以来国内商业银行开始大张旗鼓的发展个人信贷业务。

    In recent years , domestic commercial banks had made the great improvement of the personal credit business .

  6. 近年来,个人信贷业务迅速发展,已逐渐成为各家商业银行争夺的焦点。

    In recent years , the personal credit line develops rapidly , and has already become the focus that every commercial bank fights for gradually .

  7. 商业性住房按揭贷款是商业银行个人信贷业务的主要品种之一,各家商业银行都十分重视此项业务的拓展。

    Commercial housing lean is one of the major personal loan species of commercial banks , most of which think highly of the developement of this business .

  8. 但是,在不断发展的过程中,国内商业银行在个人信贷业务的风险管理中却存在着许多问题,尤其是缺乏适用于本国个人信用发展情况的个人信用评分方法。

    However , in the process of continuous development , there are many problems in domestic commercial banks credit risk management business . Particularly lack personal credit scoring method which match with the development of personal credit .

  9. 要发展我国商业银行的个人信贷业务,就必须借鉴国外的先进经验,结合我国的实际情况,建立起完善的可供各方共享的个人信用体系。

    In order to develop individual loan business in Chinas commercial banks , its compulsory to set up a perfect individual credit system which is to be shared with various users in the society , taking foreign advanced experience for reference , and combining it with realistic situations in China .

  10. 我国加入WTO后,个人消费信贷业务发展前景巨大。

    After Chinas entry of WTO , individual consumption loan looks on a huge development prospective .

  11. 其次分析国内个人消费信贷业务的制约因素。

    Next , analyze the restrictive factor of personal consumption credit .

  12. 个人住房信贷业务房屋抵押法律风险及控制

    On Legal Risks and Control of Mortgage in Personal Housing Loan

  13. 论个人消费信贷业务的发展风险与政策控制

    On Developmental Risk and Policy Control of the Individual Consumer Credit Business

  14. 经营行的个人住房信贷业务的发展不容乐观。

    Operating line of credit business of personal housing development is not optimistic .

  15. 为银行卡管理层和个人消费信贷业务提供科学预测和决策依据。

    For individual consumer credit card business management and provide scientific basis for decision-making and prediction .

  16. 发展个人消费信贷业务对扩大内需和拉动消费具有重要意义。

    To develop personal consumption credit business is of great significance in expanding domestic demand and fueling consumption .

  17. 努力发挥消费对生产的促进作用&工商银行苏州分行拓展个人消费信贷业务的实践与思考

    Maximizing the Role of Consumption in Boosting Production & Practice and thought regarding individual credit business by Suzhou Branch , ICBC

  18. 第二部分:国内个人消费信贷业务发展前景分析首先分析国内个人消费信贷业务的发展趋势。

    B : The analysis of the development perspective of domestic personal consumption credit First analyze the tendency of domestic personal consumption credit .

  19. 明确个人消费信贷业务市场定位;从严治贷,强化管理,有效防范消费信贷风险。

    Under-standing the function in the market of individual consumption loan business accurately and ( 4 ) strengthening management to prevent consumption loan risk efficiently .

  20. 最后期望通过本文的研究能够对未来长春市农业银行个人消费信贷业务的发展有重要的实际价值和指导意义。

    Finally last hope that the research of this article can have significance and directing meaning to the development of personal consumption credit of Changchun City Agricultural Bank .

  21. 作为高收益的核心业务的个人消费信贷业务,正逐步成为交通银行湖南省分行最主要的业务和效益来源之一。

    The individual consumer credit business of core business with high yield is gradually becoming the uppermost business and one of benefits source in Hunan branch of Bank of Communications .

  22. 第一章从个人消费信贷业务的种类和内容,以及个人消费的特点归纳了我国商业银行消费信贷业务的情况;

    Chapter 1 is from the category and content of the credit loan business and the characteristics of personal consumption to induce the credit consumption business in our commercial bank ;

  23. 正是顺应这一需要,银行个人消费信贷业务中的履约保证保险应运而出,并为各利益主体所接受,显现出其强大的生命活力。

    To satisfy this need , performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business , gains general accept - ability from the parties interested , and presents great vitality .

  24. 然而,个人消费信贷业务在我国才刚刚起步,消费信贷的发展水平仍然相当低,各种制约因素非常多,市场处于培育阶段,与生产信贷相比管理的复杂程度高。

    However personal consumption credit is still a primary stage , whose level is quite low . There are many restrictive factors , and is more complex compared to production credit .

  25. 目前个人消费信贷业务,应逐步建立有效的全社会个人信用管理体系,消除信息不对称问题,提高金融机构管理水平,从而促进个人消费信贷业务的快速发展。

    Nowadays it should gradually establish effective social personal credit management system , eliminate information dissymmetry , and improve financial management level so as to speed up personal consuming credit development .

  26. 个人消费信贷业务近年来发展很快,但同时由于缺乏科学的规划,个人消费信贷的市场发展策略和产品结构普遍存在着与市场脱节的问题。

    Recent years have seen rapid development of individual consumption credit business . However , for lack of scientific planning , the market strategy for individual consumption credit and product structure are generally divorced from the market .

  27. 在我国,商业银行是消费信贷的主要提供者,因此近年来商业银行的个人消费信贷业务得到了快速的发展,但我国商业银行的个人消费信贷业务在很多方面还需要进一步完善。

    In China , commercial banks are the main availability of consumer credit , which made the individual consumer credit has been developing rapidly these years . But individual consumer credit business in China needs further improve at many aspects .

  28. 随着我国商业银行个人消费信贷业务的快速发展,个人消费信贷违约事件时有发生,因此商业银行个人消费信贷风险评估技术与管理能力亟待提高。

    With the rapid growth of the consumer credit fairs in commercial bank of our country , individual consumer credit violation event common occurs , individual consumer credit risk evolution technique and management capacity of commercial banks urgently to enhance .

  29. 其次本文从牡丹江农业银行的内外部环境入手,分析了牡丹江农业银行在个人消费信贷业务上的优势、劣势、机会、威胁。

    Then , this article starting from the internal and external environment of the Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China , analyzed the advantages , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of the consumer credit business in Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China .

  30. 第四部分以建设银行四川省分行个人住房信贷业务作为案例,用前面提出的理论来对分行个人住房信贷产品设计和市场开拓进行分析。

    In the fourth part , I will take individual house-consuming credit of Construction Bank , Sichuan Branch for example , and make an analysis of product 's design and marketing exploration of individual house-consuming credit with the theories provided above .