
  • 网络personal housing mortgage loan
  1. 透视次贷危机看我国个人住房按揭贷款风险管理

    Risk Management of Personal Housing Mortgage Loan from the Angle of Secondary Loan Crisis

  2. 在简述G银行个人住房按揭贷款业务开展情况和风险管理现状后,通过介绍G银行当前具有代表意义的典型违约案例,全面展现个人住房按揭贷款的风险。

    After brief description of the development and risk management of personal housing mortgage loan operation of G Bank , Chapter One reveals the risk factors in personal housing mortgage loan business by demonstration of some real irregular cases in G Bank .

  3. G银行自1998年开展个人住房按揭贷款业务以来,各类违约案例时有发生,违约贷款金额一直处在不断攀升中,大量不良贷款的出现,极大地制约了G银行该项业务的健康发展。

    Since G Bank has begun its real-estate mortgage loan business , default amount is on the rise from time to time , and many financial bad debts has constrained the further development of the business .

  4. 个人住房按揭贷款风险防范研究

    The Research of the Prevention of the Mortgage Loan of Personal House Risks

  5. 而且个人住房按揭贷款本身也需要不断完善。

    And personal house mortgage loan is it perfect constantly to need too .

  6. 个人住房按揭贷款风险的成因和种类研究;

    The origin cause of formation and kind of the mortgage loan risk of personal house are studied ;

  7. 本章主要介绍我国商业银行个人住房按揭贷款市场现状及业务特点,然后详细分析了借款人提前还款的决策。

    This chapter introduces the situation and business characteristics in commercial bank individual housing mortgage market of our country .

  8. 个人住房按揭贷款的诞生,既源于房地产业迅猛发展的市场需要,又源于银行对新的利润增长点的内在需要。

    The mortgage loan of personal house comes from real estate swift and violent market of development need and the need of getting profits .

  9. 个人住房按揭贷款(以下简称按揭贷款)是指银行向借款人发放的用于购买自用新建住房的贷款。

    Personal housing mortgage loans ( hereinafter referred to as mortgage loans ) is issuing bank to the borrower for purchase of a new home loan .

  10. 所以,不仅个人住房按揭贷款的命运和房地产业与银行业的命运休戚相关;

    So , the destiny of the mortgage loan of not merely personal house and destiny of the real estate are of close concern to each other ;

  11. 首先,对个人住房按揭贷款的含义和发放过程进行了介绍,让读者有个整体印象。

    First of all , have made an introduction to meaning of the personal housing loan and course of granting , let readers have a whole impression .

  12. 在这种背景下,个人住房按揭贷款风险的防范研究,尤为紧迫,非常具有现实意义。

    Under this kind of background , the strick precaution research of the mortgage loan risk of personal house , particularly urgent , have a realistic meaning very much .

  13. 本章在借鉴国内外对个人住房按揭贷款提前还款的研究基础上,结合商业银行信贷资料信息,对变量选择,赋值和量化,最终选择18个变量作为进一步研究基础。

    Based on research of individual housing mortgage loan both home and aboard and situation of the commercial bank credit information , we select 18 variables in our research .

  14. 近年来,在中国的快速发展的个人住房按揭贷款,其风险也逐步提升,并呈现出加速迹象。

    In recent years , the rapid development of individual housing mortgage loans has lead to some risk of gradually reflected , and some signs of financial crisis is appearing accelerate .

  15. 这样,不仅导致了国内个人住房按揭贷款的潜在风险巨大,也引致了中国按揭贷款证券化产品在中国无法流行。

    In this way , not only led to a domestic personal housing mortgage loans tremendous potential risks has also led to China 's securitization of mortgage loans can not be popular in China .

  16. 随着国家住房改革的深入和房地产市场的飞速发展,个人住房按揭贷款在房地产市场快速发展的带动下获得了迅猛发展。

    With the deepening of national housing reform and rapid development of real estate market , the mortgage loan with personal residence gains a great progress . With this progress , a lot of risks come into being .

  17. 尤其是近几年,个人住房按揭贷款业务呈现出高速发展的态势,个人住房按揭交易比例逐年增加,现在已经成为了房地产交易的主流。

    Particularly in the recent years , personal housing mortgage loan business presents a situation of high-speed development . personal housing trades increase year by year and have already become the main current of the real estate bargain now .

  18. 第三部分介绍银行按揭风险控制的一般做法及经验,以期对我国个人住房按揭贷款业务的良性发展提供宝贵的借鉴作用。

    The third part introduces the general ways of doing and experience about the risk of residential & commercial mortgages controlling in the bank , and gives our country valuable experiences about the development of personal housing mortgage loan .

  19. 近十年来,个人住房按揭贷款在我国发展很快,已成为商业银行的主要业务和利润来源之一。

    Last decade has witnessed a rapid growth of mortgage loan in China , and the mortgage loan has already become one of the most important personal banking business in and a major source of profit for most Chinese commercial banks .

  20. 就全文的许多研究方面而言,也来自许许多多人的实际工作经验。论文由个人住房按揭贷款风险的含义及研究意义入手。

    As regards a lot of research of the full text , the actual working experience too from a lot of people The thesis is started with by the meaning of the risk of the personal housing loan and research meaning .

  21. 本章首先对个人住房按揭贷款研究背景、研究目的进行阐述,进而对国内外个人住房按揭贷款提前还款的影响因素及预测模型的理论体系进行总结性回顾。

    In this chapter , we explain the background and purpose of this research . Then we make a summarizing about theory of personal housing mortgages loan repayment ahead both at home and abroad , including the influence factors and prediction model theory system .

  22. 但是,纵观整个房地产金融业,房地产融资发展极不平衡,主要方式还是银行信贷,特别是个人住房按揭贷款一直被银行视为优质资产而极力推广扩张。

    However , looking back at the entire real estate finance industry , real estate financing development is highly unbalanced , the main method are bank credit . especially , personal housing mortgage loans by banks has been regarded as a " quality assets " and vigorously promote the expansion .

  23. 我国商业银行经历十余年的对个人住房抵押贷款探索和尝试,对个人住房按揭贷款的不良率方面已具备比较完善的风险管理经验。

    After decades of exploring and experimenting on personal house mortgage loans , Chinese commercial banks have fairly complete risk management experiences of controlling delinquency rate of personal house mortgage loans .