
yán zhònɡ ɡù zhànɡ
  • Severe malfunction;fatal failure
  1. 伦敦证交所(londonstockexchange)昨日遭遇严重故障;这与交易量激增有关吗?

    The London Stock Exchange suffered a heavy outage yesterday ; was this related to the surge in trading ?

  2. 算法引入了分段的思想,可以兼顾严重故障时的抗CT饱和能力。

    The idea of subsection is also introduced to the algorithm to enhance its anti CT saturation performance during serious faults .

  3. 在控制思想上,该系统对500kV电网N-2故障提供了控制手段,为防范无法预计的严重故障造成电网崩溃瓦解配备了解决措施。

    The system provides the control solutions against N-2 faults and the unforeseen serious faults .

  4. 我方想要通知贵方,向你方购买的其中辆小车在行驶了不到50KM就出了严重故障。

    We wish to inform you that five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within50Km driving distance .

  5. 利用实时数字仿真器(RTDS)对不同内部故障类型和励磁涌流进行了仿真,算法不受最严重故障(带故障空载投入)以及严重CT饱和情况的影响。

    Different types of internal faults and magnetizing inrush are simulated by Real-time Digital Simulator ( RTDS ), this approach is not affected by the sever fault that transformer is energized without load when internal fault occurs and CTs saturate .

  6. 此术语用来表示程序中会导致整个计算机系统破坏的严重故障。参阅abend。

    A term used to denote a spectacular failure in a program which results in the disruption of the entire computer system .

  7. 当电网发生严重故障发电厂孤立运行时,成功实现机组快速甩负荷(FCB)功能带厂用电运行是电网恢复的最佳对策。

    When a system is damaged seriously and a plant is left in isolated operation , to activate fast cut back ( FCB ) while operating for house power should be optimum for system recovery .

  8. 用电力系统暂态安全定量分析工具FASTEST,计算福建电网500kV、220kV输电线路发生严重故障时的暂态安全裕度、故障临界切除时间、负荷极限、联络线极限等典型的稳定性评估指标。

    The typical stability assessment index , such as the transient safe abundant degree 、 the critical clear time of fault 、 load limit 、 transmission power limit , etc , are calculated with FASTEST , the quantitative analysis tool of transient safety .

  9. 天津电网严重故障条件下的安全稳定分析及对策

    Safety Stabilization Analysis of Tianjin Power Grid in Serious Fault and Countermeasure

  10. 有严重故障的汽车原厂要求收回。

    Car with serious fault have is call in by the manufacturer .

  11. 通过仿真分析,得出了整流器最严重故障情况下的电压、电流波形。

    The wave of voltage and current under the most serious failure is obtained by simulation analysis .

  12. 然后,在当前的运行状态下对系统进行暂态稳定分析,提前滤除不失稳故障,对失稳故障按能量裕度大小排序,找出最严重故障。

    Then transient stability is analysed to calculate the corrected transient energy margin of each instability fault .

  13. 带的横向振动常常是大型输送机系统发生严重故障的原因。

    The cross vibration of belt is usual the cause that a large convey systerm happens serious breakdown .

  14. 如果系统某一部分发生严重故障,它们可以总是从昨天返回正在运行的系统。

    If something goes terribly wrong , they can always go back to the running system from yesterday .

  15. 构象的严重故障,予以处罚,严重的甚至优秀的“类型”的存在。

    Severe faults in conformation shall be penalized severely even in the presence of outstanding " type " .

  16. 在主产品环境中发生严重故障时,能够轻松恢复到之前的已知配置。

    Easily revert to a previously known configuration , should a catastrophic failure occur in the primary production environment .

  17. 今天的飞机,使用硬件余度方法无法恢复关键舵面缺损所造成的严重故障。

    In today 's aircraft , the hardware redundancy is driven by the critical surfaces resulting in single point-failures .

  18. 如果水不变成蒸气并排出曲辅箱,它将导致严重故障。

    If water is not changed to vapor and removed from the crankcase , it can cause serious trouble .

  19. 在出现严重故障时,您可使用这个磁盘和备份去还原系统。

    You will use this disk and the backup to restore your system in the event of a major failure .

  20. 联网后海南电网与主网严重故障下的相互影响及解列措施研究

    Study on Interactions between Hainan Power Grid and China Southern Power Grid and Seperation Measures after Interconnection under Severe Faults

  21. 一旦电力系统出现严重故障,城市将顷刻间陷入彻底瘫痪,造成难以计数的经济损失。

    Once the power system appears to break down , the city will be paralyzed completely , causing untold economic losses .

  22. 这一工具可以用来检查多重复杂故障对于大型电力系统的非线性影响,还可用来检验严重故障下系统静态潮流解的存在性。

    This proposed tool is designed to investigate the nonlinear effects of enforcing a multiple compound contingency in a large-scale power system .

  23. 独立的硬件黄闪单元,保证在设备严重故障下不会出现路口黑灯的情况。

    An independent hardware yellow-flashing-unit is designed to prevent the black-light situation of crossroads when there are serious equipment failures . 4 .

  24. 压缩机是冰箱的心脏,压缩机阀片的断裂失效可引起制冷系统严重故障。

    Compressor is the heart of refrigerator and the fracture of the valve in compressor will bring about severe failure of cold-producing system .

  25. 飞机从空中坠落曾经有一些案例,原因包括严重故障和遭到蓄意破坏。

    There have been a number of cases in which planes have fallen from the sky from factors that include catastrophic failure and sabotage .

  26. 而当系统发生严重故障时,它也能为运行人员赢得尽可能多的宝贵时间。

    Or phrased differently , it is a way to provide the operator with as much time as possible in the event of severe disturbances .

  27. 一旦发生严重故障,不仅电机自身将损坏,还将导致整个工业生产的中断。

    Once serious fault occurs to motor , not only will it destroy motor itself , but also will lead the whole industrial production to break .

  28. 针对广东电网典型运行方式下的严重故障进行了在2个切机子站,4个切负荷子站上的紧急控制措施分析。

    The emergency control measures are evaluated by the severe faults scenarios in typical operating conditions including two generation-tripping and four load-shedding substations in Guangdong Power System .

  29. 一种被设计用于连续运行的计算机系统,当这种计算机系统的一部分崩溃或出现严重故障时,不会丢失数据或损坏程序。

    A computer system designed to continue operating without loss of or damage to programs and data when part of the system breaks down or seriously malfunctions .

  30. 一旦发生严重故障,停产更换的周期较长,经济损失较大。

    Once converter suspension reducer happen serious failures , it leads to the long time of stop production and replacement parts , which causes enormous economic losses .