
  • 网络East Liaohe River
  1. 东辽河流域地表水体中Atrazine的环境特征

    Environmental Characteristics of the Atrazine in the Waters in East Liaohe River Basin

  2. 通过1986、1996和2000年的LANDSATTM影像解译,得到东辽河流域景观分布的矢量和栅格图;

    With the Landsat TM imagines in 1986 , 1996 and 2000 as the digital sources , the vector and grid maps of distributions of landscapes in the East Liaohe River Basin were derived ;

  3. 受人类活动和流域生态水文过程(Eco-hydrologicalprocesses)的影响,东辽河流域地表水污染严重,水质具有明显的地域分异特征。

    With influence of human activity and eco-hydrological processes , the surface water pollution in the East Liaohe Basin is serious and has the characteristic of spatial diversity .

  4. 东辽河流域河流系统生态需水研究

    Ecological Water Demand by River System in East Liaohe River Basin

  5. 东辽河河道内生态需水量分析计算

    Analysis and calculation for the water ecology needed in Dongliao river

  6. 东辽河流域农业产业结构优化及对策

    Agricultural industry structure optimization and countermeasure in Dongliao river basin

  7. 东辽河流域景观格局及其动态变化研究

    Landscape Pattern and Its Dynamic Variation in the East Liaohe River Basin

  8. 东辽河流域水质污染较为严重,必需进行及时有效的综合整治;

    The water is seriously polluted and must be renovated .

  9. 东辽河流域地下水动态特征分析

    Analysis for the dynamic characters of the ground water in Dongliao river basin

  10. 对辽河及东辽河流域水污染综合防治工作的意见和建议

    View and proposition on water pollution control in Liaohe river and East liaohe river

  11. 东辽河流域地表水水质空间格局演化

    The evolution of spatial pattern of surface water quality in the East Liaohe Basin

  12. 企业家持续创新与产业结构优化研究东辽河流域农业产业结构优化及对策

    Research on Entrepreneur s Continual Innovation and Industrial Structure Optimization ; Agricultural industry structure optimization and countermeasure in Dongliao river basin

  13. 绿色稻谷、玉米选自东辽河源头的全国知名生态县&东辽县;

    Green paddy and maize are selected from the source of East Liao River , the noted national ecological county-Dongliao County .

  14. 东辽河流域坡面系统景观的优势度较强,斑块的形状较为规整,但分布较散,同时受到人类活动的干预非常强。

    Landscapes in the East Liaohe River Basin have great dominance and the standard form , however , the distribution of the landscape in that basin is disperse and strongly disturbed by human activities .

  15. 1986年~1996年间,东辽河流域各类景观主要向水田景观转变;而1996年~2000年间,各类景观又向旱田转变。

    In the East Liaohe River Basin , the landscapes mainly converted into the paddy field landscapes in the period from 1986 to 1996 , while in the period between 1996 and 2000 , the landscapes are mainly converted to the glebe .

  16. 本文通过利用水文流量资料进行定量计算,对东辽河上游河道水量减少原因进行分析,阐述河道水量减少的危害。提出要调节好河道最小流量,充分发挥水资源优化配置的作用。

    This paper analyses the causes of the amout of water reduction in Dongliao River through the calculation based on hydrology flow data , and expounds its endangerment , and puts forward the means for regulating the flow and fully using water resources optimization configuration .

  17. 东辽河流域做为辽河的源头区,水环境形势日益严峻,水质性缺水对流域内的工农业生产、居民生活和生态环境造成了严重的影响。

    Dongliao River watershed , as the headwater region of Liao River , the situation of water environment is imminent . Water scarcity and degraded water quality have posed great threat to the industrial and agricultural production , resident life and ecological environment in Dongliao River watershed .

  18. 通过1983~1999年对东辽河流域地表水质分析及历年来水文和社会经济资料整理,建立流域地表水污染重心模型,探讨了东辽河流域地表水水质空间演化特征。

    Based on the surface water quality analysis from 1983 to 1999 and the collection of hydrology and scio-economic data in past years , the model of surface water pollution barycenter ( MSWPB ) is established and the evolution character of spatial pattern of surface water quality is explored .

  19. 东辽河流域景观的组成不合理,林地景观所占面积的比率严重偏低。1986年~2000年间,旱田景观显著的增加,工矿、交通和居民地景观略有增加,其他景观均有所下降。

    In East Liaohe River Basin , the glebe landscapes have increased greatly between 1986 and 2000 , while in that period , the industry mine , traffic , city and town landscape and resident landscape increased slightly , and other kinds of landscapes have decreased at any degree .