
  • 网络Kwu Tung;The Hole
  1. 越过冰冷山脉和雾气到达低深地窖和古洞里。

    Far over the misty mountains cold to dungeons deep and caverns old .

  2. 她一声没响,小屋里静得像个深山古洞似的。

    Tigress was silent and the small rooms were as still as a cave deep in the mountains .

  3. 在鸟穆附近,有一座呈方形的千年古洞&象洞,洞深只有二、三米,洞内雕有栩栩如生的神像。

    Mu birds in the vicinity , there was a square of the Millennium Kwu Tung ── as holes , only two-deep , three meters , inside a lifelike carving statues .

  4. 在鸟穆附近,有一座呈方形的千年古洞——象洞,洞深只有二、三米,洞内雕有栩栩如生的神像。

    Mu birds in the vicinity , there was a square of the Millennium Kwu Tung ─ ─ as holes , only two-deep , three meters , inside a lifelike carving statues .