
Petrological Model , Chemical Composition and Possible Genesis of the Crust Along Yichuan-Yichang Global Geoscience Transect ( GGT ) in East Qinling
Soil Disturbance and Its Impact on Farmland Ecosystem in the Henan - Shanghai Section of Gas Pipeline Project from West to East
East and Henan Province , Lin , Hui Second City , connected to , the West and in Changzhi City neighborhood , the North and every other sector Pingshun County , South County and Lingchuan marina .
Influence of Western Gas Transported to East to Henan LPG Market
Rutile Ore Deposit Found in the East Qingling Fold Belt in Henan Province , China
Machang is situated at the central uplift zone in Dongpu seg abundant in natural gas in the southern area of the Yellow River .
Only Henan which is as a advantageous transition zone between the West and the East become the solid anchor , can promote the overall balance in regional economic development trend and complete structure , then the target of national modernization strategy can be smoothly realized .