
dōnɡ nán qū
  • Southeast Region;the southeast district
  1. 警方突击搜查了伦敦东南区的5幢房屋,找到了失窃物品。

    Police raided five houses in south-east London and recovered stolen goods

  2. GMS在姑山铁矿东南区排土场地下水渗流场的应用初探

    Preliminary Application of GMS in Simulation of Groundwater Seepage Flowing Field in Dumping Site in Southeast of Gushan Iron Mine

  3. 东南区以泥页岩为主,厚度大于530m。

    That of the southeast area , mainly mudstone-shale , > 530m thick .

  4. 通过国家东南区试验,该品种熟期比苏玉糯1号早6d,增产11.8%,糯性品质优良,抗逆性好,适应性广。

    The regional tests of southeast China showed that the variety " Huyunuo 2 " matured 6 days earlier than " Suyunuo 1 ", increased by ( 11.8 % in ) yield and had advantages of good glutinousness , strong adverse resistance and a wide adaptability .

  5. 5个异常区极端干期长度均存在较明显的2~3a高频振荡;其次西北东南区存在明显的16a低频变化周期,而其他各区存在明显的8~11a低频变化周期。

    There is obvious 2 ~ 3 years high frequency cycle of extreme drought period in the 5 areas , 16 a and 8 ~ 11 a low frequency cycle in southeast of Northwest China and the other 4 areas , respectively .

  6. 塔里木盆地东南区侏罗系油气勘探前景

    Prospects of Jurassic hydrocarbon exploration in Southeast Tarim Basin

  7. 活性炭在东南区水厂水质处理中的应用

    Application of activated carbon technology in water treatment of the south-east water supply plant

  8. 宁蒗东南区发育宁南菱形构造及其所决定的宁南反凸双弧联合构造。

    The southeastern Ninglang area develops Ningnan rhombohedral structure and its Ningnan double-bo-gen junction structure .

  9. 滇西南,东南区。Ⅱ。

    Southwest and Southeast Yunnan region ⅱ .

  10. 内蒙西乌旗东南区草地气候资源开发初探

    A preliminary discussion for developing the grassland climatic resources in the southeast area of Xiwu County

  11. 鄂尔多斯盆地东南区山西组沉积相与储层特征

    Sedimentary facies and the reservoir characteristic of the Shanxi Formation the at Southeast Area of Ordos Basin

  12. 这两个小区可归为一个文化区&苏北鲁东南区。

    These two small areas make up another cultural area & the North Jiangsu and Southeast Shandong Area .

  13. 城市、人、自然和谐发展&专访新加坡东南区市长姚智

    Harmonious Development of City , Man and Nature An Interview with Yao Zi , Mayor of Singapore Southeast Region

  14. 川东南区深部作用与盖层构造演化及气藏分布关系

    Relationship between deep process and structure evolution of sedimentary cover and distribution of gas pools in southeastern sichuan , China

  15. 这对姐妹来自伦敦的东南区贝肯汉姆,是四个兄弟姐妹中排行最大的两个,她们俩的关系一直都很亲密。

    The sisters , from Beckenham , south-east London , are the eldest of four and have always been close .

  16. 崇尚自然的“在林居”&重庆锦绣山庄东南区“在林居”的设计创新理念

    Advocate natural " at forest reside " & the design innovation concept of the Chongqing orchard manors Southeast section " at forest reside "

  17. 东南区3月中旬相对高的温度、5月上旬及下旬稍低的温度有利于还原糖含量的提高。

    In the southeast relatively high temperature in March midmonth and lower temperature in early and late May were beneficial to increase the reducing sugar content .

  18. 位于坳陷东南区的曲流带河道砂岩复合体是储集砂岩最发育的地区。

    For instance , the channel sandstone complexes occupy the meander belts in the southeastern part of the depression , where the reservoir sandstones are well developed .

  19. 大同盆地第四纪的火山可以划分为两部分:西北区(通常称大同火山群)和东南区。

    For the Datong basin Quaternary volcanic group can be subdivided into two parts : the northwestern area ( i.e.the Datong volcanic group ) and the southeastern area .

  20. 列因斯特和大海之间的极端东南区和低地地区在六月份一天平均的日照时间为7个小时,而在西部地区一天的日照时间则减少到为5个小时。

    The extreme southeast and the lowlands between the Leinster chain and the sea have an average of seven hourss of sun daily in June , which decreases to five hours a day in the west .

  21. 都市警察的一名发言人说:“8月13日凌晨1点50分,我们接到报警称在伦敦东南区石湖商业圈里有盗贼试图进行偷窃。”

    A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said : ' Police were called to reports of an attempted burglary at a commercial unit on the Stone Lake Retail Park , SE7 , at 1.50am on August 13 .

  22. 依据血红蛋白正常参考值与地理因素的依赖关系把中国分为青藏区、西南区、西北区、东南区、华北区、东北区等六个区。

    Taking the altitude as the main dividing basis and considering effects of other geographical factors and population distribution , China can be divided into six regions : Qingzang , Southwest , Northwest , Southeast , North and Northeast region .

  23. 一股强劲的青春风潮正将纳什维尔东南12区(12SouthandEastNashville)这样的旧街区转变成潮人中心。

    And a youthquake is transforming scruffy neighborhoods like 12South and East Nashville into hipster hubs .

  24. 基于LANDSATTM影像的圩田结构信息提取与分析&以皖东南圩田区为例

    Extracting and Analyzing of Weitian ( Artificial Field ) Structure 's Information Based on Landsat TM Data & Weitian of Southeast of AnHui Province for Example

  25. 松辽盆地东南隆起区构造带成因类型及其油气聚集模式

    Genetic types and accumulation modes of structural belt in the Southeast

  26. 我国东南丘陵区水土保持技术措施

    Soil Erosion and Countermeasures in Hilly Region of Southeast China

  27. 东南烟区烟田杂草致病真菌调查

    Investigation of Pathogenic Fungi in Weeds in South-east Tobacco Area

  28. 滇东南烟区烤烟干物质和养分的分配状况研究

    Distribution of dry matter and nutrient in tobacco of southeast Yunnan Province

  29. 鄂东南成矿区壳幔结构及其特征

    Crust-Mantle Structure and Characteristics of Southeast Hubei Metallogenic Province

  30. 土壤利用方式改变对滇东南岩溶区土壤特性的影响

    Impacts of Soil Utilization Forms on Soil Characteristics in Karst Area of Southeastern Yunnan