
  • 网络tokyo broadcasting system;TBS
  1. 东京广播公司上周晚些时候报道,由于决定在没有观众的情况下举行奥运会,志愿者的数量减少,数千个未食用过的饭盒和饭团被丢弃在体育场内。

    Thousands of untouched lunch boxes and rice balls have been discarded at the stadium as a decision to hold the Games without spectators slashed the number of volunteers there , Tokyo Broadcasting System Television reported late last week .

  2. 在东京广播公司(TokyoBroadcastingSystem)周一公布的民意调查中,每10个受访者中就有九人表示,没有真正感到政府的行动正在改善生活水平。

    In a poll published on Monday by the Tokyo Broadcasting System , a national television network , nine in 10 respondents said they had no real feeling that the government initiatives were improving living standards .

  3. 东京广播公司的视频显示,未开封的午餐盒和面包被扔进了一个巨大的垃圾桶,这在社交媒体和其他地方立即引起一片哗然。

    The broadcaster 's videos of untouched lunch boxes and bread getting chucked into a large bin on social media and beyond .

  4. 东京广播公司报道称,该网络的代表在新闻发布会上透露,受赠者登记名单暂时将会保密。

    Network representatives told a news conference that recipient registration lists are closed for the time being , TBS reported .

  5. 据东京广播公司报道,“卵母细胞捐献网络”以辅助生殖为目的征集卵子捐献者,目前已有20名不能生育的女性登记成为受赠者。

    The Oocyte Donation Network requires egg donors for assisted reproduction purposes and has 20 women who cannot conceive children registered as prospective recipients , TBS reported .

  6. 据东京广播公司报道,截至目前已确定有5家专长于生育治疗的私立医疗机构与该网络建立了联系,它们将负责从捐献者那里收集卵子,并用这些卵子与受赠者丈夫的精子进行体外受精。

    TBS reported that so far , five private institutions specializing in fertility treatment have been named as associates of the network and will carry out egg harvesting from donors as well as in vitro fertilization using the donated eggs and sperm from the husband of the recipient family .