- East Asia

[East Asia] 亚洲大陆的东部,包括中国、日本、蒙古、韩国和朝鲜
The AO can make the anomaly like the EU teleconnection , so it can influence East Asia climate .
Numerical modeling of interannual anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns over East Asia during different stages of an El Nino event
in China and other East Asian countries , as many as 90 percent of recent high school graduates are thought to be nearsighted .
This superstition4 is referred to as tetraphobia and is common in East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as China , Japan , Malaysia and Korea .
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of NO_X Produced by Lightning in East Asian Region
Tomographic diagnosis of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly in the region of east-asia ── experiment and early results
Complex FDI and the Third-country Effect : Empirical Research of East-Asia Area
The Unique Qualities of FDI and the Asian Model
Effect of Anticancer Polypeptide from Buthus Martensii Venom on Immune Function in the H_ ( 22 ) - bearing Mice
Possible effects of East Asian cold wave on ENSO
There were 1159 loci bands from AFLP analysis in genome DNA among populations by 20 primer combinations , the average polymorphism ratio was 59.88 % .
Recent progresses of studies on influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer monsoon and China summer rainfall
Study on Retrieval of Reed LAI and Scaling Effect in Occurrence Area of Oriental Migratory Locust Based on Remote Sensing Technology
The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .
The impulse response function and variance decomposition studies on Chinese economy and East Asian economies show that Chinese GDP are the major factor to explain most East Asian countries ' GDP and trade fluctuations .
At the end , it narrates that to lower the transaction cost , it is necessary to innovate institution as has shown in the example of APEC .
Based on the method of coherence and moving coherence analysis , the interaction of East Asian monsoon with ENSO cycle and their interdecadal variations in last century are investigated .
During the inactive period , the circulation of East Asia is essentially zonal and the ITCZ over Southwest Pacific is weak .
A century ago it was the ascent of Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I that unsettled the world ; today a rising China is roiling east Asia .
The NCAR community climate model was run for 20 years and the simulated East Asian climate was analysed and checked against the observation data .
From the proposal , discussion and implementation to the institution construction of the East Asian regional economic cooperation and the integration , East Asia has already achieved a big progress on the path .
Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure ; Climatology of the Effective Winds at Millstone
After dividing NSS over East Asia by the method of EOF , an attempt of pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 mb level for each NSS is made by the method of K-mean cluster analysis . Some interesting results have been obtained .
The model resolution is 60 km x 60 km in the horizontal and 23 layers in the vertical .
BBC News - Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors , North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world 's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway .
The Transformation of ASEAN concerning Cooperative Bases and the Economies of C-P-C Thoroughfare
In order to investigate cause of the interdecadal variability of climate in China , the monthly mean SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and its impact on water vapor transport in the Indo-China Peninsula and East Asia are analyzed .
The importance of the Sensible Heat driven Air Pump ( SHAP ) over the Qinghai Xizang Plateau in regulating the East Asian monsoons and global climate is emphasized .
From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .
The paper simulates the effect of sea surface temperature anomalies ( SSTA ) in the equatorial mid-Pacific Ocean on the precipitation in east and south Asia during summer ( from June to August ) using IAP AGCM - ⅱ .