- series;collection;set;series of books

[collection] 由很多书汇编成集的一套书
Before writing Metamorphosis , Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books .
And one of them made reference to a series of books called " The One-Minute Bedtime Story . " And I wince9 saying those words now , but my first reaction at the time was very different .
The third book in the series is currently in preparation .
The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry
The series will include both fiction and non-fiction
There is a series of science and technology on the desk .
They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies .
This set of books are in three parts , and each part is in five volumes .
For example , suppose you are creating a web application that sells books online .
Review of Practical English Conversation for WTO
Read about it ( books online , KB , google etc ) .
And J.K.Rowling , author of the Harry Potter books .
Many of the series'authors are current IBM Rational employees , and some books discuss specific Rational products .
The Troubleshooting Orphaned Users'topic in SQL Server Books Online does not outline the exact steps for troubleshooting this problem .
Note To add a standard SQL Server login , see the " sp_addlogin " topic in SQL Server Books Online .
The upcoming title SOA Governance as part of this book series will provide a collection of additional technical and organizational best practices and patterns .
We think of Spectrum as an ongoing history book series , collections that can be used as both a reference and as an inspiration to artists and readers for many years to come .
The Interface Series : Literary Studies in Action Interface of MSP430 Series Singlechip and Serial EEPROM
Each book in this series with six exam questions , 6 recorded text materials and answers , an MP3 .
The process of service discovery is therefore related to a set of SOA governance patterns documented separately in the upcoming title SOA Governance that will be released as part of this book series .
The collection of 15 stamps will mark the significant British contribution to the US show which is based on the best-selling book series " A Song of Ice and Fire " by George R R Martin .
To search for other topics , use the search feature of Books Online or msdn .
Arsenovski is a contributing author for different major publications , holds a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer ( MCSD ) certification , and was named Visual Basic MVP in2005 .
JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter , a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past .
What 's that ? Jamie : I 'm reading books on Rothman 's list of contemporary American authors .
The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling was a close second , followed by The Lord of The Rings trilogy by JRR Tolkien in third place .
The Green Paper on Language Situation in China ( GPLSC ) is a series book concerning language situation in China , encompassing two different types according to the content . Type A promulgates the soft norms of the language while Type B investigates and analyzes the language situation .
JK Rowling , author of the Harry Potter book series , is going to write three films based on the 54-page Hogwarts textbook she wrote in 2001 .
John Kilcullen is the chairman and CEO of IDG Books Worldwide , which publishes the " Dummies " series of how-to books .
The first novel of J. K. Rowling 's famous " Harry Potter " series sold over 107 million copies after its 1997 publication .