
  • 网络stack room management
  1. 中等专业学校图书馆书库管理探索

    Probe into the Stack Room Management in Middle Professional School Library

  2. 图书馆开架书库管理工作探微

    Probe into the Management Work of Open-shelves Stack Room of the Library

  3. 图书馆样本书库管理方式探讨

    A Discussion on the Management Mode of the Sample Book Stack of Library

  4. 网络环境下大学图书馆样本书库管理

    The Management of Network-oriented Sample Stack of University Library

  5. 实施人性化服务构建书库管理与读者借阅服务的和谐平台

    Implement Humanistic Service and Construct a Harmonious Plat for Stack Management and Reader Lending Service

  6. 浅谈独立学院图书馆建设的基本理念&以天津外国语学院滨海外事学院图书馆为例六盘水师范学院图书馆书库管理工作探讨

    Discussion on the Basic Concept of Library Construction of Independent College & Take the Library of Binhai Foreign Affairs College of Tianjin Foreign Languages University as an Example

  7. 文章从改进服务方式、强书库管理、高流通管理人员素质诸方面论述如何提高流通服务工作质量。

    This article will discourse upon how to enhance the service of circulation , such as improving on the ways of service , strengthening the management of stack room , increasing the quality of management groups , etc.

  8. 结合图书馆对样本书库管理与利用的实际操作,论述了加强高校图书馆样本书库管理,充分利用样本书库资源的有效措施。

    Combined with the practical operation of the management and utilization for the sample-book , this paper has expounded the management of sample stack in university library , and put forward effective measures of utilizing sample stack resources .

  9. 分析了图书馆书库管理中分层规划的必要性,讨论了图书馆在书库搬迁或倒库时分层规划的具体方案,对科学预测预留空位的优越性、分层规划的适用范围进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes on the necessity of hierarchical planning , discusses on the concrete scheme of hierarchical planning while library removes the stack room or replaces the stack room , and probes into the advantages of obligating the vacant sites by forecasting scientifically and the applicability of hierarchical planning .

  10. 新时期对样本书库及其管理的新认识

    New Understandings of Sample Stack and its Management in New Times

  11. 浅谈样本书库的管理与服务

    Discussion on the Management and Service of Sample Books in Library

  12. 论高校图书馆样本书库的管理工作&以广州大学图书馆为例

    On the University Library Sample Library Management

  13. 本文结合工作实际,分析了书库合并前分开管理的弊端,阐述了二者合并的意义,提出了合并后的具体管理措施。

    Based on working experience , this paper has analyzed the disadvantages before merging management , ex - pounded the significance of merging and put forward concrete measures in management .

  14. 略谈高校图书馆书库学生馆员的管理工作论高校图书馆样本书库的建设与管理

    Discussion on the Management of Student-librarian in Universities ' Library Stacks On the Construction and Managemant of Sample Book Stacks in University Library