
  1. 健全的金融监管体系是市场准入监管、业务运营监管、市场退出监管的有机综合。

    Right finance supervision system is composed of market admittance supervision , operation supervision and market withdrawal supervision .

  2. 我国传统上重视商业银行的市场准入与业务运营监管,这些方面的法律制度相对完善;相比较而言,我国商业银行市场退出法制建设相对落后。

    For a long time , our country devotes much attention to the supervisions and controls of access to market and business , and the institutions of which is comparatively perfect .

  3. 本文按照偿付能力监管的实施阶段,将监管工作分为市场准入监管、业务运营监管、危机援助和市场退出监管三个阶段,从而影响保险市场的中观效率、微观效率和宏观效率;

    With regards to solvency implementation , the work of supervision can be divided into three stages : market accession supervision , business operation supervision and market secede supervision . In this paper , the structure and efficiency of China 's insurance market are empirically analyzed .