
yè yú dà xué
  • spare-time university;Spare-Time College
  1. 房屋正前方是上海业余大学及一片多层别墅和新里;

    Housing ahead is Shanghai amateur university and a multilayer villas and new ;

  2. 就高等教育来说,大专院校是一条腿,各种半工半读的和业余的大学是一条腿,两条腿走路。

    In higher education , colleges and universities constitute one leg , while work-study universities and spare-time universities constitute the other .

  3. 他甚至连食物都买不起,所以他会趁业余时间在大学食品服务部兼职挣钱,然后把剩下的食物当饭吃。

    He couldn 't even afford food , so he worked part time at university food service to make a few dollars and grab leftovers for meals .

  4. 为了应对未来的挑战,许多年轻人利用业余时间重新走进大学给自己充电。

    To answer the challenges of the future , many of the youth go back to colleges to recharge themselves with knowledge at their spare time .

  5. 美国大学体育总会关注的一套规则正是大学生运动员们的资格,特别是他们的业余身份。很多大学运动员有奖学金,所以投身于运动能抵消教育的花费。

    One set of rules the NCAA focuses on is the eligibility of student athletes , specifically their amateur status.Many colleges athletes get scholarships , so playing sports can offset the cost of their education .