
  • 网络Century Theatre;Century Theater
  1. 欣赏世界级的演出,您不妨经常关注一下世纪剧院,她一定会带给你一次次的艺术享受的。

    The Century Theatre , a place for you to see world-class performances and to indulge in artistic fantasy .

  2. 10年前我第一次来到中国,在世纪剧院为中国国家交响乐团担任指挥。那是我首次在中国举办的交响乐音乐会。

    Actually , it was10 years ago that I made my debut in China , conducting the China National Symphony Orchestra at the Century Theater , in the very first symphonic pops program ever presented in China .

  3. 北京世纪剧院观众厅侧墙装修施工

    Construction of side wall decorative work for the hall of Beijing Era Theater

  4. 你在上个世纪的剧院门口。

    You wait at theater door of the past century .

  5. 在16世纪,剧院的功能充其量是娱乐观众&所以那时的戏剧充满了流血、暴力和痛苦的死亡。

    In the 16th century , theatre was all about entertaining the audience & so the plays of the time were full of blood , violence and painful deaths .

  6. 这种关系可以一直追溯到古希腊,古希腊在公元前5世纪建造了首批剧院。

    And this goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks , the Greeks built the first theaters in the 5th century B.C.E.