
  • 网络World Military;World Military Affairs
  1. 适应世界军事发展新趋势和我国发展新要求,推进军事理论、军事技术、军事组织、军事管理创新。

    In keeping with the new trends in world military affairs and the new requirement of China 's development , we must promote innovation in military theory , technology , organization and management .

  2. 高技术战争条件下世界军事工业发展的基本趋向

    The basic development trend of the world military industry

  3. 除了对世界军事的影响外,传说中的J20也有政治含义,因为它代表了中国的强大力量。

    Besides the global military impact , the rumored J-20 also bears political significance because it represents China 's growing power .

  4. 世界军事工业调整策略探析

    An analysis of the adjustment of world military industry

  5. 信息化战争条件下世界军事经济动员发展的新趋势

    The new trend of world military economic mobilization development under the condition of informationalization

  6. 研究了航天技术的军事应用对世界军事格局的影响;

    Researches the effects of military application of space technology on world military structure ;

  7. 世界军事形势回顾与展望

    World military situation in Retrospect and Prospect

  8. 世界军事大国的日本模式

    Japanese Pattern of World Major Military Power

  9. 在美国军事史和世界军事史上都具有重要地位。

    It has important Position in the American military history and the world military history .

  10. 世界军事交通运输装备的新发展

    New Development Equipment in World Ministry Transportation

  11. 21世纪初世界军事形势基本走向

    Global Military Trends in Early 21st Century

  12. 石油与当代世界军事

    Petroleum and the present world military

  13. 中国的高级军官否认他们国家正在寻求成为世界军事大国;

    China 's top military leaders have denied their country is seeking to become a military superpower ;

  14. 世界军事年鉴1994

    World Military Yearbook 1994

  15. 学习这一军事思想,对把握世界军事趋势具有重要意义。

    It is of vital significance to grasp the world military tendency by Studying the Rumsfeld military thought .

  16. 尤其在冷战结束后,印度根据国际格局的改变,更加强调大力发展国防工业,致力成为世界军事大国。

    Apart from the importation of advanced weapons from abroad , indigenizing and even exporting military hardware have become more stressed .

  17. 随着世界军事高技术的迅猛发展,数字化、信息化、网络化技术在武器装备发展中得到了广泛的应用,并使武器装备的性能得到大幅度提高。

    The performance of contemporary weapon systems has been enhanced by the development of military high-tech and the extensive usage of digital technology .

  18. 导弹拦截作为未来高技术战争的一项必备技术,已成为世界军事领域研究的焦点。

    As one of the indispensable technologies in the future war , missile interception has become a researching focus in the military field .

  19. 随着世界军事技术的飞速发展,火箭武器被赋予了新的历史使命即应用于防空作战。

    Along with the rapid development of the world military technology , rocket weapon is endued with new mission namely that aerial defense .

  20. 科学技术的迅猛发展,使新世纪世界军事领域呈现出新的面貌,在未来的信息化战场上,各个国家军事力量的竞争,说到底是科技的竞争,人才的竞争。

    According to the development of the science technology , there are more new changes in the world military field on the new century .

  21. 在高素质新型军事人才方面,我国武警部队与世界军事强国相比,差距十分明显。

    In the new military personnel of high quality , comparing our armed forces and military power with the foreign , the gap is obvious .

  22. 摘要首先从世界军事发展的必然趋势入手,深入分析了我军当前科技人才匮乏、素质亟待提高,科技练兵科技含量不足和军事科研活动滞缓的机制及其文化成因,并提出管窥之见。

    According to the current development of world military , it is necessary to analyse the mechanism and the military culture that obstruct the military research function .

  23. 经过半个多世纪的潜心发展,日本已成为名副其实的“世界军事大国”。

    After developing concentrately for over half a century , Japan has become a world major military power not only in name but in reality as well .

  24. 它对世界军事力量对比、国际战略格局、未来军事斗争,都将产生重大而深远的影响。

    The reform will exert a great and far-reaching influence to the military balance of force , international strategic pattern and future military struggle of the world .

  25. 网络中心战作为指导信息化建设的重要作战理论,已成为当今世界军事科学研究的热点之一。

    As an important warfare theory for guiding informationization construction , Network Centric War-fare ( NCW ) has become one of the hottest topics for military research .

  26. 1926年7月正式发动的北伐战争,是中国乃至世界军事史上最辉煌的战事之一。

    The Northern Expedition War , started in July , 1926 , has been one of the most splendid wars in both China and the world military history .

  27. 任务空间概念模型是现实世界军事知识的第一层抽象,是仿真系统开发的业务基础。

    Conceptual Model of Mission Space ( CMMS ) is the first abstraction of the real-world military knowledge , and is the business basis for simulation system development .

  28. 世界军事变革迅猛发展,军事力量对比出现新的严重失衡。

    Rapid and drastic changes are taking place in the military field around the world , and a new serious disequilibrium has occurred in the balance of military power .

  29. 自动目标识别是当今世界军事技术研究中最具攻关性的课题之一,众多计算机视觉技术均应用于该课题的研究领域中。

    Automatic Target Recognition is one of the tough challenges in the research of the world military technology nowadays , in which the computer vision technology has been applied .

  30. 根据目前世界军事的发展动向,在新一代信息化作战系统中广泛采用了无线传感器网络探测系统。

    According to the present world military development trend , the wireless sensor network detection system has widely been used in the new generation of combat systems based information .