
  • 网络World History;History of the World;Global history;AP World History
  1. 杰出的苏格兰杂文家托马斯卡莱尔(thomascarlyle)写道,世界历史只是伟人们的传记。

    Thomas Carlyle , the eminent Scottish essayist , wrote that the history of the world was but the biography of great men .

  2. 它们的兴建适逢“世界历史上最大规模的银行贷款”时期,花旗(citi)资深银行家比尔罗兹(billrhodes)如是说道。

    Their construction coincides with the " greatest level of bank lending in the history of the world " , says Bill Rhodes , the veteran Citi banker .

  3. 过去的3年是世界历史上最重要的时期之一。

    The past three years have been among the most momentous in world history .

  4. 基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。

    The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history .

  5. 世界历史的总趋势任何人也改变不了。

    No one can change the general trend of world history .

  6. 人民是创造世界历史的动力。

    The people are the motive force in the making of world history .

  7. 穿越世界历史上最不可思议的100年,了解为什么当罗马皇帝没有听起来那么美好,百年战争实际上怎么没有持续100年,以及斯宾塞·珀西瓦尔的政治生涯为何如此倒霉。

    Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn 't always as good as it sounds , how the Hundred Years ' War didn 't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record .

  8. 从黑格尔到马克思:世界历史理论的越迁

    From Hegel to Marx : The moving of world history theory

  9. 发展中国家现代化的世界历史意义

    On the International and Historical Significance of Modernization in Developing Countries

  10. 关于社会主义的世界历史前景的几个重大问题

    On Some Important Problems about the Historical Prospect of the Socialism

  11. 这是世界历史上多么迷人的一刻!

    What a fascinating time in the history of the world .

  12. 论马克思在《德意志意识形态》中的世界历史理论思想

    Karl Marx 's World History Theory in " German Ideology "

  13. 论黑格尔自由生活与世界历史进程思想

    On Hegel 's Free Life and the Process of World History

  14. 马克思对世界历史理论的革命性变革&从历史哲学的视角看

    Karl Marx ' Revolutionary Transformation on the Theory of World History

  15. 世界历史、英国学派与国际关系理论

    World History , the English School and International Relations Theory

  16. 世界历史与资本主义&《资本论》语境中的世界历史思想

    The Concept and History of Realism World History and Capitalism

  17. 欧洲经验与世界历史:英国学派的封闭性与开放性

    European Experiences and World History : Closeness and Openness of English School

  18. 世界历史名人画传-爱迪生

    Illustrated Biographies of World Historic Celebrities : Thomas Alva Edison

  19. 黑格尔的世界历史及其价值趋向评析

    A Review of Hegel 's Philosophy of History and its Value Orientation

  20. 这些理论继承和发展了马克思的世界历史理论。

    These theories inherit and develop Marx 's theory of world history .

  21. 黑格尔建立了世界历史的理论。

    Hegel set up the theory of the world history .

  22. 《德意志意识形态》中的世界历史理论。

    The theory of universal history is in The Consciousness of Germany .

  23. 论中国的和平主义发展道路及其世界历史意义

    Reflections on China 's Peaceful Development and Its Significance for World History

  24. 19世纪五六十年代,马克思世界历史理论又得到进一步深化。

    In the 1950s and 1960s , the theory has been further deepened .

  25. 论中国先进生产力和先进文化的世界历史性

    On the world historical character of China 's advanced productivity and advanced culture

  26. 从世界历史看先进文化的特点

    Observing the Feature of the Advanced Culture from the History of the World

  27. 《12幅地图中的世界历史》,作者杰里·布洛顿。

    A History of the World in Twelve Maps . By Jerry Brotton .

  28. 网络恶霸是在世界历史上最具破坏性的恶霸。

    Cyberbullying is the most devastating bullying in the history of the world .

  29. 马克思的世界历史理论超越了西方中心论,对全球化的概念与历史开端有着深刻的论述。

    He expressed the concept of globalization deeply by his theory of World History .

  30. 论世界历史的稳定与振荡

    The Stability and Vibration of the World History