
  1. 此学科的专家让公众也能接触到历史。

    Specialists in this field make history accessible to the public .

  2. 该项目涉及教师,行政管理人员,专家和公众评论。

    The project involved teachers , administrators , experts and public comments .

  3. 评估主体包括专家和公众。

    The main assessments are experts and the public .

  4. 表面效度、内容效度都符合专家和公众的认同。

    Surface validity and content validity were in accord with the experts and people recognizing .

  5. 同时,酸雨越来越受到专家和公众的关注。

    In the meantime , acid rain received increasing attention from environmentalists and the general public .

  6. 在我们请求专家和公众评分的52种常见食物中,没有什么比燕麦棒获得的评价差异更大。

    Of the 52 common foods that we asked experts and the public to rate , none had a wider gap than granola bars .

  7. 有专家认为公众会希望废除该制度,该专家还呼吁修改与劳教场所有关的法律规定。

    One expert says that the public would welcome the abolition of the system , calling for the amendment of laws concerning labor camps .

  8. 该男子不顾医生反对执意前往中国也引起了中韩双方的谴责,很多法律专家和公众都呼吁应严惩。

    The infected man 's insistence on traveling to China despite the opposition of his doctor has sparked criticism in South Korea and China , with lots of legal experts and members of the public asking to punish him .

  9. WTO争端解决机制中的专家决策与公众参与

    Expert Decision and Public Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

  10. 专家们呼吁公众行动起来保护环境。

    Specialists called on the public to take action to protect the environment .

  11. 庞之浩专家说,公众也不必过于担心。

    The expert also said that the public need not worry too much .

  12. 他们说,卫生领域的专家在促进公众理解这些联系方面要发挥至关重要的作用。

    Health professions have a crucial role in promoting public understanding of these associations , they say .

  13. 专家表示,公众对全国经济的悲观态度,包括高失业率在内,是民主党今年面临的主要问题。

    Experts say the public 's poor opinion of the national economy , including high unemployment , is the main problem facing Democrats this year .

  14. 不可否认,是否该在动物身上做实验已经不仅仅是专家,而是公众都在讨论的话题。

    There is no denying that experiments on live animals have become controversial , not only for professional but also for the public as a whole .

  15. 目前我国城市规划领域正发生了如下变化:由静态规划向动态规划发展、从物质规划转向社会型发展规划、专家审查到公众参与规划、规划实施由行政管理转向法制化管理。

    The field of urban planning in our country has been having the following change : from Static Planning to Dynamic Programming ; from Physical Planning to Society Development Planning ; from expert examination to Public Participatory Planning . Planning Implementation has changed the legalization management by the administrative management .

  16. 然而,民意调查专家则称,公众更倾向于将薄弱的基础设施归因于腐败。

    But pollsters say the public tends to connect failing infrastructure with reports of corruption .

  17. 此项决议是在接受专家组审查和公众旁听后才得到批准的。

    The licensing decision followed a review by a panel of scientific experts as well as public hearings into the issue .

  18. 但在网络参与的实际过程中,政府及具有影响力的名人、专家仍然比外围公众有更大的话语权,网络社会的格局只是现实社会的映射。

    In the practical process of participation on network , however , government , celebrities and experts still have more discourse power than peripheral public . The structure of network society is nothing but mapping of the real society .