
  • 网络the general public;public at large
  1. 与此同时,对于传统知识精英在新的知识空间角色功能的转化给予了充分的阐述,从而呈现出知识精英和一般公众在新的知识空间中互动机制的变化。

    At the same time , the role and function of intellectual elites in the new knowledge space is restated , the interaction mechanisms between intellectuals and general publics in the new knowledge space are presented .

  2. 一般公众均可获得血清。

    The serum is available to the general public .

  3. 一般公众的连续暴露限值为40mT。

    A continuous exposure limit of40 mT is given for the general public .

  4. 对消息或娱乐消息感兴趣的一部分一般公众。

    The part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment .

  5. 可以接收一般公众电视节目的电视机。

    Television display screen able to tune in to a modulated or off-air TV signal .

  6. 反对核动力规划的大多数意见来自外界的一般公众。

    Most of the objections to the nuclear power programme came from the lay public .

  7. 主体的加强包括领导层的倡导与政策引导、公共知识分子的理性参与以及一般公众的积极加入;

    It includes leaders , officials , public intellectuals and the public in the first one .

  8. 抗议信,既给某人但是却给一般公众看的信。

    A letter of protest ; addressed to one person but intended for the general public .

  9. 她说道:“我个人非常感兴趣为一般公众工作。

    She said , " I am personally very interested in working for the general public .

  10. 在十万元的红木椅,旅客一般公众或'坐'啊!

    At one hundred thousand yuan a mahogany chairs , visitors to the general public or'sit up'ah !

  11. 司法过程中的各方参与者,主要包括法律职业群体、当事人和一般公众,都是司法过程中的听众,也是可接受性的对象。

    The audiences including legal professional groups , parties and the general public also are objects of acceptability .

  12. 校内考试监控有众多合法主体:政府、教师、学校、学生及其家长,乃至于一般公众。

    The potential auditor of school-inside testing includes : government , teachers , students , parents and the publics .

  13. 本署展开为期两星期的密集宣传运动,宣传针对一般公众地方洁净罪行的定额罚款制度。

    The department begins an intensive two-week publicity campaign to launch the fixed penalty system for common public cleansing offences .

  14. 随着民间社会运动的深入和多方参与以及一般公众更深入地参与活动,这一问题将越来越重要。

    The issue will increase in importance as the general public become more engaged via civil society movements and multi-stakeholder involvement .

  15. 每年介绍来底特律的新型样车对承销商和一般公众说来都是一件大事。

    The annual introduction of new-car models from Detroit was a major event for both the dealers and the general public .

  16. 为加强执法行动,政府对触犯一般公众地方洁净罪行的人士实施定额罚款制度。

    To step up the law enforcement action , the government has introduced the fixed penalty system for common public cleanliness offences .

  17. 其他的商品面向一般公众,但商贩们从来没有向董贝先生兜售过它们。

    The other commodities were addressed to the general public ; but they were never offered by the vendors to Mr Dombey .

  18. 但在一般公众场所所提供的电脑,未必有足够的电脑保安装置来保护你的私人密码匙及数码证书。

    But given the computers provided in the average facility , there may not be adequate safeguards to protect your private key and e-Cert.

  19. 与对称密钥不同,公钥可以对一般公众公开,不必保密。

    Unlike symmetric keys , public keys can be made available to the public in general without the need to keep them confidential .

  20. 一般公众并不知道政府机构的行为,因此没有起到威慑作用,即使有威慑效果,也是很少的。

    The general public is not aware of the actions of the governmental agency and little , if any , deterrence is obtained .

  21. 佛教或许已在英国的首都吸引到了部分信徒,但一般公众对其平和的处世方式仍相当缺乏了解。

    That may have attracted its share of followers in the capital , but whose quiet ways remain largely opaque to the general public .

  22. 公共云可供一般公众或大型行业组织使用,由销售云服务的组织拥有和供应。

    Public clouds are available to the general public or a large industry group and are owned and provisioned by an organization selling cloud services .

  23. 世卫组织的领导作用以及2011年世界卫生日的信息可起到关键性的作用,向一般公众强调这些重要信息。

    Leadership from WHO and the messages from World Health Day2011 can play a pivotal role in emphasizing these important messages to the general public .

  24. 如果研究证实这些危险实际上并不存在,则将极大地增强卫生保健提供者(即使不是对一般公众的话)对婴儿免疫接种的信心。

    Demonstrating the absence of such risks would reinforce the confidence of health-care providers , if not the public at large , in infant immunization .

  25. 现在正将重点放在搜索其它家庭成员、密切接触者和一般公众中其它流感样疾病病例。

    Priority is now being given to the search for additional cases of influenza-like illness in other family members , close contacts , and the general community .

  26. 在日本的法律看来,水域是公用物,不设定所有权,一般公众都享有自由使用的权利。

    In Japanese legal system , water is a public matter ; there is no ownership to be set on , so people can use the right for free .

  27. 一般公众、乘客和操作和维护人员,以及紧急事件和安全员工经不会暴露于任何不可接受的风险。

    The general public , passengers , as well as the operating and maintenance staff , and emergency and security staff will not be exposed to any unacceptable risk .

  28. 从集团外部看,滥用和误用转移定价与盈余操纵密切相关,导致信号的错误传递,不可避免地误导投资者、债权人和一般公众,造成资源的错误配置。

    Externally , the excessive use or misuse of transfer pricing may pass false signals to shareholders , creditors and the public , therefore misleading their decisions on resources distribution ;

  29. 例如,《版权条约》的开始部分就承认,应当保持版权同一般公众的普遍利益之间的平衡。

    For example , in the WCT in its beginning , there is the recognition that balance should be maintained between copyright and the general interest of the public at large .

  30. 在剧中,为维持原有的社会秩序和道德标准,人们理应拒绝偏离轨迹的行为,而同性恋正是当时一般公众所不能容忍的。

    To keep the order and moral standard of the society , men ought to suppress anything deviating from its original path , among which homosexuality is intolerable by general public at that time .