
  • 网络ungelivable;ungeliable;weak bite
  1. 我们球队今天的表现不给力。

    Our team 's performance is ungelivable today .

  2. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。

    Though ‘ rage-quit ' was recently added to OxfordDictionaries.com , screen rage 's chances look less than stellar .

  3. 不管运营商有多么不给力,苹果(Apple)iPhone用户继续坚守阵地的可能性要显著高于其它厂商(18.5%,黑莓为15%,Android为14%)。

    Owners of apple ( AAPL ) iPhones were marginally more likely to stick with their carrier ( 18.5 % vs. 15 % for BlackBerry and 14 % for Android ) , no matter how unhappy with their provider .

  4. 最后一个问题在编辑不给力的书中经常会发现:一心只想展示一门语言的聪明技巧或者能做到的一些小hack。

    Finally , a pet peeve that I find frequently in poorly edited tutorials : the desire to show off the language by presenting clever tricks or small hacks it can accomplish .

  5. 类似的表达还有“Hengeilivable”,意为“很给力”;而“ungeilivable”则表示“不给力,无趣,没意思”。

    Similarly ," Hengeilivable " means " very cool ", and " ungeilivable " means " dull , not cool at all " .

  6. 关于性能的传言不给力,虽说有些是偏袒英特尔的。

    Romours on performance not great although some Intel biased .

  7. 但是回到那时候,我真觉得这事太不给力了。

    But back then , I thought it sucked .

  8. 大布鲁塞尔想要阻止欧洲长期经济衰退的努力已经被证实不给力了。

    Big Brussels initiatives to arrest Europe 's long-term economic decline have proved ineffectual .

  9. 你们打架的时候总是这么不给力么?

    Do you always fight so poorly ?

  10. 本人有一定英语基础,但是还是觉得英语口语不给力,希望提高这方面的能力。

    Just like many Chinese English learner , hope raise up our oral English ability .

  11. 固然父母让你头疼,学校让你不爽,生活总是不给力。

    Sure parents are a pain , school 's a bother , and life is depressing .

  12. 失望的是,俱乐部在接下来的赛季中都不给力,排名联赛第7并且失去了欧洲冠军杯的资格。

    Sadly , the club could not push on the following season , finishing seventh and failing to secure a Champions League place .

  13. 虽然很多分析人士将诺基亚的衰落归咎于微软不给力的操作系统,但其实也可将批评的矛头对准诺基亚高管,是他们低估了竞争对手。

    While many analysts have blamed Nokia 's demise on a weak Microsoft operating system , criticism can be aimed at Nokia executives who underestimated rivals .

  14. 而比较不给力的一点是:这个数字占上榜首席执行官总人数的比例仍然很小——准确地说就是4.8%。

    The " meh " news : That still represents a small percentage - 4.8 % to be exact - of the overall CEOs on the list .

  15. 作为美网3号种子选手,莎拉波娃表示,她本是希望能够参加此次大满贯决赛的,但无奈肩膀不给力。

    Sharapova , who was originally seeded third for the Open , says she had hoped to be able to go but the Russian 's shoulder just wasn 't ready .

  16. 跟如今的内燃机相比,蒸汽机相当不给力,甚至都比不上新兴的电发动机;因此,蒸汽机是不被使用的、不被生产的或不再被需要的。

    Its largely inefficient compared to todays combustion engine and even more inefficient than the emerging electric engines . Thus , steam engines are not used , produced , or needed anymore .

  17. 巴迪-希尔德在新奥尔良已被弃用(单场17次投篮),他也是人们批评安东尼-戴维斯的帮手不给力的一部分原因。

    Buddy Hield has been chucking away in New Orleans ( 17 shots a game ! ) but he 's part of the reason why everyone is criticizing Anthony Davis 's supporting cast .

  18. 老头说,最近贝巴不给力,就像打酱油的,但是鲁尼回来了,他们会有更多的合作机会。

    So Fergie says in his press conference that berba 's poor form is down to the constant change in strike partners , and now rooney his back they would play together more often .

  19. 任凭一帮科学家、观光客、媒体人、环保者以及厄瓜多尔政府等了二十年,为了看他成功交配或者只是雄起一下,他就是不给力。

    Scientists , tourists , journalists , conservationists and the government of Ecuador all waited for two decades for him to mate successfully or , indeed , get it on at all . He wasn 't playing .

  20. 大卫给俺们科普说,银们紧张的时候呼吸就会不给力,这只会造成神经系统更加短路。

    David explained that when people get nervous , they tend to hold their breath or not breathe as frequently as they should , which only causes the nervous system to get even more out of whack .

  21. 从某种意义上说,普通中国公民意识到贫穷的自由不如富有的不自由给力。

    At some point the average Chinese citizen realized being starving and free is not as nice as being rich and unfree .

  22. 不得不说,任天堂强制使用闪存而不支持内置硬盘是一种不给力的做法。

    Have to say , Nintendo does not support mandatory use of flash memory built-in hard drive is not to force approach .