
  1. 要是你们彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢?

    If you love each other , why not get married ?

  2. 许多人情愿不结婚。

    Many people choose not to marry .

  3. 我决不结婚。

    I absolutely refuse to get married

  4. 结婚的观念无疑被过分渲染了。人们面临来自各方的结婚压力,不结婚对他们来说就是一种失败。

    The couple idea is certainly oversold . There 's so much pressure to become a couple that people feel failure if they don 't conform

  5. 有些宗教修会的人发誓不结婚。

    People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy .

  6. 你对查理说了什么让他不结婚?

    What did you say to Charlie about not getting married ?

  7. 而许多人不结婚也能做出这样的承诺。

    It 's a commitment many people make without getting married .

  8. 老实的人早成婚,聪明的人不结婚。

    Honest men marry soon , wise men not at all .

  9. 职业光棍儿?为什么不结婚?

    A professional bachelor ? Why doesn 't he get married ?

  10. 结婚还是不结婚,那是一个问题。

    To marry or not to marry , that is a question .

  11. 究竟是结婚的好呢,还是不结婚的好?

    Marriage or no marriage , which is more desirable ?

  12. 那么你不结婚单身一辈子吗?

    Then are you not gonna get married and die all alone ?

  13. 所以所有带头巾的人都不结婚?

    So all these people with hijab never get married ?

  14. 不结婚就和人同床共枕是非法的。

    It is unlawful to bunk up with a person without Marriage .

  15. 你即便不结婚,同样可以又快又省地得到婚姻所能提供的一切!

    You can get seemingly everything marriage offers quicker and cheaper too .

  16. 男人不结婚是不好的。

    It is not good that man should be alone .

  17. 一个朋友问一位绅士,为什么他不结婚。

    A friend asked a gentleman how it is that never married .

  18. 许多母亲们根本就不结婚以避免离婚。

    Many mothers avoid divorce by never marrying in the first place .

  19. 尽管安吉尔能够自由地选择结婚或不结婚,

    Although Angel was free to marry or not as he wished ,

  20. 所以有意义的交易就是约会而不结婚。

    So a deal that makes sense is dating , not marriage .

  21. 妙子,为什么你还不结婚呢?

    Taeko-san , I 'm curious why you 're not married yet ?

  22. 人们结婚越来越晚,有的人甚至不结婚。

    People aregetting married later - or not at all .

  23. 要是所有法国男人都不结婚会怎样呢?

    What if all the men of France did not get married ?

  24. 好吧,你说吧,现在结婚或者再也不结婚?

    So what are you saying ? It 's now or never ?

  25. 彼此相爱却不结婚的一对情侣。

    A couple who kept company but never married .

  26. 我失去了勇气。安吉拉,你为什么决定不结婚?

    A : Angela , why did you decide not to get married ?

  27. 对她来说,到23岁还不结婚很不寻常。

    At 23 , it is unusual for her not to be married .

  28. 要是你有男朋友,为什么还不结婚?

    If you have a boyfriend , why don 't you get married ?

  29. 也许父母无法接受不结婚而同居的方式吧!

    Her parents can not accept sleeping-together without marriage .

  30. 当年他们都是23岁,但决定不结婚。

    They were both twenty-three , but they decided not to get married .