
  • 网络freehold;Ownership of the Real Estate
  1. 根据房产条例第1972条,房屋产权指单房所有权或者(按照)多房(开发的)不动产所有权。

    A unit title , under the Unit Titles Act1972 , provides individual ownership or freehold title in multi unit developments .

  2. 不动产所有权非法律行为取得方式探究

    Certain Legal Issues of No-shop Provision of Negotiated M & A Probe into the Illegal Acquisition of Ownership of the Real Estate

  3. 美国法上不动产所有权的移转模式是买卖合同+转让书+交付。

    The American pattern of passing titles is sales contract + deed + delivery .

  4. 19世纪中叶该不动产所有权形式开始正式为民事立法所规定。

    It was written into law until the mid of the19 ~ ( th ) century .

  5. 建筑物区分所有权是近现代社会发展起来的一项新型不动产所有权制度。

    Buildings distinguished ownership is a new-type real estate ownership system developed in modern and contemporary societies .

  6. 房屋作为不动产所有权最为重要的表现形式,在现实生活中占据着重要的地位。

    Building as real estate ownership is the most important form , occupying a vital position in life .

  7. 它是指由区分所有建筑物的专有部分所有权和共有部分所有权结合而成的一种不动产所有权。

    It is a combined right with ownership on special parts and co-ownership on share parts of a building .

  8. 建筑物区分所有权为近现代诸多国家(地区)物权法上的一项不动产所有权形态。

    Condominium is a kind of form of the ownership described in the Real Estate Law in many modern countries .

  9. 初探所有权型分时度假的基本法律问题&兼论对传统不动产所有权理论的发展

    Basic Legal Problems concerning the Issue of Timesharing , or Interval Ownership : Concurrently Discussing the development of Traditional Theory of Real Estate Ownership

  10. 建筑物区分所有权是随着经济的发展,城市多层及高层建筑的增多而逐渐形成的一种复杂的不动产所有权关系。

    The ownership of building distinction is a complicated title to realty relation which comes into being with the development of economy and the increasing of high building .

  11. 建筑物区分所有权,作为一项重要的不动产所有权形式,已为众多国家和地区的民事立法所确立。

    The condominium ownership of buildings , as a vital form of property ownership in the modern times , has been established in the civil law in many countries and regions .

  12. 公共役权是公益事业、国家或公众取得一种要求相关不动产所有权人或使用权人承受某种负担的权利。

    Public easements are public welfare undertakings , a national or public access to the relevant requirements of ownership or use of real property owners the right to bear some burden .

  13. 动产所有权与质权的善意取得以交付为公示手段,不动产所有权与抵押权、动产抵押权的善意取得以登记为公示手段。

    The means of public summons is delivery when the title or the pledge of a moveable is transferred while registration when real transaction and mortgage of a moveable is transferred .

  14. 对不动产所有权领域、合同关系领域,家庭关系领域,股东权利滥用以及滥用诉权进行了论述,是权利滥用的适用为明确化。

    Areas of real estate ownership , the contract relations , family relations , shareholders ' rights abuse , and also discusses the abuse of litigation , is applicable for explicit rights abuse .

  15. 现代法治社会里,财产权尤其是不动产所有权是受宪法保障的神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In the modern society of rule of law , the property right , especially the ownership of immovable property is the sacred and inviolable right that is guaranteed in the constitutional law .

  16. 我国《物权法》正式在立法上确立了善意取得制度并开创性地将客体从动产所有权扩展到不动产所有权和其他物权。

    China s " property law " was formally establishing the system of bona fide acquisition and initiate sexual ground to object driven property extends to the ownership of immovable property and other property rights .

  17. 本章第一节论述了被拍卖不动产的所有权转移的时间。

    Section of this chapter discusses the transfer of ownership of real estate by auction time .

  18. 第一百四十四条不动产的所有权,适用不动产所在地法律。

    Property which the owner holds in freehold Article 144 The ownership of immovable property shall be bound by the law of the place where it is situated .

  19. 阐释了房屋征收的概念:政府为了公共利益的需要,取得国有土地上单位和个人的房屋所有权、房屋之下土地的使用权以及其它不动产的所有权,并给予其补偿的行为。

    Illustrates the concept of housing levy : For the public interest , Government obtain the rights of housing ownership of state-owned land and individuals , and other real estate ownership , then the acts of compensation given to its behavior .

  20. 文章主要介绍所有权保留的客体范围仅限于动产,不动产不适用所有权保留。

    The paper mainly introduces the retention of title of the object scope is movable property , real estate shall not apply to the retention of title system .

  21. 不动产交付前所有权未移转时,“一物数卖”等问题,这些现象易生交易不公和交易风险,有害于出卖人或者买受人的权利保护。

    At this moment , the ownership of the object has changed , which tends to cause dealing unfairness and risks , and is harmful to the seller 's right .

  22. 因为一个住宅小区内拥有多种不动产物的复杂性,决定了拥有相邻不动产的所有权主体多元化。

    Because there is complexity of many kinds of real estate thing in a housing district , have determined that there is ownership subject pluralism of adjoint real estate .

  23. 不动产在合法拍定的情况下,会产生移转不动产所有权等正效力,在因竞买人恶意串通等原因导致拍卖无效的情况下,会导致重新拍卖等负效力的产生。

    When lawfully auctioned , real estate will produce positive effects such as transferring the ownership of real estate . When the auction becomes null and void due to such reasons as malicious collaboration of bidders , real estate will produce negative effects such as auction over again .

  24. 在不动产方面,对未登记的,占有人占有达到一定期限后,并不当然取得不动产的所有权,而是有权申请登记为所有人,自登记之日起取得所有权。

    About immovable property , if unregistered , it 's occupier , after a certain prescribed period of possession , has the right to apply for registering as the possessor and gains the proprietary right from the day of registered .

  25. 在我国不动产买卖中,不动产买卖合同成立生效和不动产买卖登记之间的时间差导致不动产买卖交易中不动产合同生效和所有权转移时间上的不一致。

    In the deal of our country 's real estate , the difference between the time when the business contract of real estate becomes effective and its registers caused in the real estate business transaction inconsistent with the passing of title .