
  • 网络Disregard Order
  1. 在WAIT低功耗模式下,CPU不执行任何指令,只能通过中断将系统从WAIT模式唤醒。

    In low power consumption mode , the CPU does not execute any instructions , only through interrupt will awake the system from this mode .

  2. 正常处理过程中不执行的指令序列。

    A sequence of instructions that cannot be executed during normal processing .

  3. 暂停(Stall)&处理器不开始执行新指令处的时钟周期。

    Stall & A clock cycle where the processor does not begin a new instruction .

  4. 例如,如果一个条件标上了“likely”,那么编译器可以把代码的True部分直接放在分支指令后面(这样就不需要执行分支指令)。

    For example , if the conditional is marked " likely " then the compiler can place the True portion of the code immediately following the branch ( which will not be taken ) .

  5. 受令者若不执行这类指令,就要受到惩罚。

    If the receiver does not obey these orders , they will be punished .

  6. 人类受到情感的影响,而电脑则会毫不迟疑地执行指令。

    Whereas humans are influenced by emotion , computers carry out orders without question .

  7. 然后该额外信息覆盖正在运行的程序的一部分,并导致运行时执行本不应该执行的指令。

    The extra information then overlays a part of the running program and causes the runtime to execute instructions that it should not execute .

  8. 测试用例:不包含脚本或者执行指令。

    Test case : Does not contain the scripting or the execution instructions .