
xià yě
  • be forced to relinquish power;retire from the political arena;(of a ruler) retire from the political arena
下野 [xià yě]
  • [(of a ruler) retire from the political arena] 执政的人解职下台

下野[xià yě]
  1. 工党政府下野将近两个月了。

    It 's nearly two months since Labour government went out .

  2. 工党于1980年下野。

    The labor party went out in1980 .

  3. 安倍晋三当选也将意味着自民党(ldp)在下野三年后再次执政。

    It would also mean the comeback of the Liberal Democratic Party after a three-year absence .

  4. 在1993年,LDP也有短时间下野。2001年到2006年间,小泉纯一郎,这位会耍花招的首相似乎给LDP带来了新生。

    The party even lost power briefly in1993 and , in2001-06 , a razzle-dazzle prime minister , Junichiro Koizumi , seemed to be giving it a new lease on life .

  5. 不同尺度下野大豆种群的遗传分化

    Genetic Differentiation Research on Populations of Wild Soybeans in Different Scales

  6. 无菌条件下野蔷薇种子快速催芽的研究

    Study on Seed Germination of Rosa Multiflora in Sterile Condition

  7. 下野4年后他又复出了。

    He is enjoying a revival after four years in the wilderness .

  8. 豢养条件下野牦牛α-Am同工酶的特性

    Characteristics of Serum α - Amylase Isozyme in Wild Yak under Domestic Conditions

  9. 盐胁迫下野大豆无机离子分布的研究

    Effect of NaCl stress on the content of inorganic ions in wild soybean

  10. 老年人双肺中、下野的通透性明显大于非老年人。这对于研究衰老的启动机制和老年肺疾病的防治可能有重要意义。

    It is helpful in investigating senescence and lung disease in aged people .

  11. 外源海藻糖对NaHCO3胁迫下野鸢尾叶片抗氧化系统的影响

    Effects of exogenous trehalose on antioxidant system of Iris dichotoma P. under NaHCO_3 stress

  12. 1931年12月15日,蒋介石被迫交出政权(下野)。

    On Dec.15th , 1931 , Chiang was forced to hand over his regime .

  13. 蒋介石第三次下野后拒绝出国原因探析

    Exploring the Reasons Why Chiang Kai-shek Refused to Go abroad after the Third Time of Retiring

  14. X线胸片早期见肺内单发或多发局灶性渗出改变,多位于肺下野;

    X-ray chest film showed solitary or multiple local exudative changes , mostly in pulmonary lower field .

  15. 据报道,蒋虽然行将下野,但仍将继续控制和谈。

    It was reported that Chiang , though going into retirement , would maintain control over the peace movements .

  16. 方法分析49例误诊的患者行纤支镜而确诊的肺下野结核。

    Methods The clinical data of 49 misdiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients who had been confirmed through fiber bronchoscope were analyzed .

  17. 工党於1980年下野.下野4年后他又复出了。

    The Labour party went out in 1980 . He is enjoying a revival after four years in the wilderness .

  18. 另外,在大多数情况下野桑蚕的遗传距离表现出与空间距离正相关。

    Furthermore the genetic distance of the mulberry wild silkworm was positively related to the distance of space in most cases .

  19. 结合临床对肺下野结核性空洞的特点和鉴别诊断进行讨论。

    Also discussed were differential diagnosis and characteristics of tuberculosis cavities ia the lower lung field according to the clinical manifestations .

  20. 胸部正位片显示由于肺炎实变致右肺下野境界不清磨玻璃样密度增高影。

    Fig.1a Frontal CXR showing ill-defined air space opacification in the right lower lobe ( arrows ) due to consolidation from pneumonia .

  21. 1954年,吉田茂下野,结束执政,其死对头鸠山一郎当政。

    Yoshida 's rule came to an end in1954 when he was unseated as prime minister by his nemesis , Ichiro Hatoyama .

  22. 结论:中老年单纯肺中下野病变,应考虑是否结核;

    CONCLUSIONS : For middle-age or senile patients who found pathological changes in middle and inferior lung field , tuberculosis should be suspected .

  23. 通过健康调查表,对日本四日市旧污染区楠小学校及非污染物下野小学校的学生进行有关变态反应性疾病患病情况的流行病学调查。

    Pupils of Nan primary school in old polluted area and Simono primary school in control area were selected as investigating subjects and health questionnaire survey were conducted .

  24. 但是,如果非洲不能“倒戈”穆加贝,他反而还有东山再起的机会:令人心悸的是,他如果操纵大选就不会成立一个有限政府了,更不用说让他下野了。

    But if Africa fails to dislodge him he may instead point to a possible future : an awful reminder that holding bogus elections does not make governments accountable , let alone removable .

  25. 为掌握野大豆用作饲草栽培利用的基本信息,本试验研究了自然条件、人工栽培单作及问作条件下野大豆的干物质生产特性和饲草品质。

    To acquire more informations of forage production , this study was conducted to evaluate the productivity of dry matter ( DM ) and forage quality of wild soybean under natural condition and cultivation condition .

  26. 由于经济危机,首相被迫下野,我们打算在本月下旬召开一次会议,讨论新首相的人选。

    Because of the economic crisis , the Prime Minister was forced to relinquish power , so we will hold a meeting at the last ten day period this month for the selection of a new Prime Minister .