
  • 网络hematockezia;precipitation of blood;bloody bowel discharge;descent of blood
  1. 超声照射下血卟啉(HP)对牛血清白蛋白(BSA)损伤的研究

    Investigation on Damage of Bovine Serum Albumin by Hematoporphyrin under Ultrasonic Irradiation

  2. 目的通过正常及三种不同缺氧条件下血中Na+、Cl-浓度及pH值的测定,探索急性缺氧对血电解质平衡的影响。

    Objective The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of acute hypoxia on blood electrolytes balance .

  3. 结论:1.耐力训练可降低机体在递增负荷运动中同等负荷条件下血乳酸的浓度和MDA的含量,说明耐力训练提高了机体有氧氧化的供能能力和抗氧化系统的功能。

    Endurance training can reduce the blood lactate concentration and MDA content , Indicating body endurance training can improve the aerobic oxidation capacity and the antioxidant system function . 2 .

  4. 然而,在正常和低氧下血淋巴中SOD活性和Hc的含量不受饲料中添加ARA量的影响,各个饲料组之间没有显著差异。

    However , there were no differences in both SOD activity and Hc content of haemolymph among dietary treatments in normal and low DO level respectively .

  5. CUFL男运动员不同训练阶段下血睾酮、皮质醇指标的变化研究

    Study for the Change of Blood Testosterone and Hydrocortisone of CUFL Men Athletes at Different Training Stage

  6. 新型点接触锁定加压接骨板固定骨对骨皮质下血供的影响

    Effect of point contact-locking compression plate fixation on blood supply of cortical bone

  7. 疾病状态下血-脑屏障的病理性开放

    Pathological opening of blood-brain barrier in disease conditions

  8. 目的探讨不同超滤模式下血容量的变化。

    Objective To investigate the variation of relative blood volume during different ultrafiltration mode .

  9. 左心辅助循环和完全体外循环下血细胞流变行为的对比实验研究

    Comparative Experiment Study on Blood Cells Rheology of Left Heart Bypass and Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  10. 目的了解斯氏按蚊成蚊在不同食源条件下血淋巴蛋白浓度的变化。

    Objective To ascertain the changes of haemolymph protein concentration in adult Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes under different feeding conditions .

  11. 计算出小波变换复倒谱主极大值,并以此作为不同情况下血膜中中性粒细胞分布密集子间距的准确参数。

    This enabled to calculate the main maximum of wavelets transform in combination with the complex cepstrum , which served as an accurate parameter of the " concentrated group " interval of neutrophil distribution in the blood under the different circumstances .

  12. 结果:根据CT表现将脾外伤分为3型:Ⅰ型(包膜下积血)18例;

    Results : Based on CT manifestation , the splenic trauma can divided into 3 types : type ⅰ subcapsular hematoma 18 cases ;

  13. 结果:CT检查发现肝包膜下积血3例,肝撕裂伤3例,肝挫裂伤19例,肝内血肿25例。

    Result : Subcapsular hematoma were found in 3 cases , hepatic lancination in 3 cases , contusion in 19 cases , hepatic hematoma were found in 25 cases .

  14. 结论严格控制操作条件下,血涂片法镜下PLT计数结果可用于临床诊断疾病。

    Conclusion Strictly controlling operational condition , the platelet count results by microscopy blood smear were applied in clinical diagnosis of disease .

  15. 不同溶剂如DMSO、DMF、丙酮等在不超过0.1%浓度条件下对血细胞的形态和结构没有影响。

    Different solvents such as DMSO , DMF , acetone did not affect the morphology and structure of hemocyte when the concentration was no more than 0.1 % .

  16. 【结论】严密观察下,血βHCG水平及动态变化,B超盆腔积液包块大小,可作为重复注射和剖腹探查指标,处理腹痛患者要慎重。

    [ Conclusion ] Under strict monitoring , the serial level of blood - HCG 、 the volume of liquid and the dimension of adnexal mass in pelvic cavity showed by ultrasound may be the indicator of laparotomy or repeated usage of MTX .

  17. 红色代表了基督为我们的罪流下宝血。

    Red represents the blood of Christ shed for our sins .

  18. 高温条件下柞蚕血淋巴过氧化氢酶活性的变化

    Change of Catalase Activity in Haemolymph of Antheraea pernyi Under High Temperature

  19. 模拟失重后-Gx作用下兔血循环状态的变化

    Changes of Status of Blood Circulation in Rabbits during-Gx Stress after Simulated

  20. 光明力量的人只在一种情况下喝血。

    The light ones drink blood only under one circumstance .

  21. 甲板很快会被它们背上流下的血弄脏的。

    The deck would soon be fouled with the blood from their backs .

  22. 他感到伤口流下的血进入了自己的袖子。

    Boris felt the blood from his cuts run down into his sleeves .

  23. 他在一晚之内喝下最多血。

    For most blood drained in a single evening .

  24. 实验室条件下长角血蜱甘肃株孤雌生殖种群的生物学特性

    Biological characteristics of parthenogenesis population of Haemaphysalis longicornis Gansu strain under laboratory conditions

  25. 慢性肾功能衰竭患者不同超滤模式下的血容量变化

    Variation of relative blood volume during different ultrafiltration mode in chronic kidney failure patients

  26. 子宫下段血窦开放4.4%(4/90);

    Lower uterine segment blood sinus open 4 / 90 cases ( 4.4 % );

  27. 脱下带血的t恤时。

    When she took off the bloody t-shirt .

  28. 负压吸引下自体血胸腔粘连术治疗难治性气胸临床研究

    Clinical analysis of autologous blood pleurodesis under vacuum suction in treatment of intractable pneumothorax

  29. 放学后,哈桑和我爬上它的枝桠,摘下一些血红色的石榴果实。

    After school , Hassan and I climbed its branches and snatched its bloodred pomegranates .

  30. 目的探索下颌骨血供系统的直观观测手段。

    Objective To search for a direct observation method in blood supplies system of mandible .