
xià xínɡ yì zhì
  • descending inhibition
  1. 脊髓伤害性信息传递下行抑制的中枢起源

    Centrol origin of the descending inhibition of spinal nociceptive information transmission

  2. 电刺激缰核下行抑制作用中的递质探讨

    Study on central neurotransmitter of descending inhibition by stimulating habenula

  3. 对电针镇痛的机理研究揭示,电针是通过激活机体内源性痛觉调制系统如内源性阿片肽和5-HT下行抑制系统而起镇痛作用。

    EA plays its analgesic role via activating the endogenous pain modulating systems , including endogenetic opioid and serotonin descending system .

  4. 由观察DRP的结果提示,在PAG对脊髓伤害感受神经元的下行抑制作用中,可能有突触前抑制参与。

    This study suggests that the descending inhibitory system from PAG may involve presynaptic inhibition in the effect of PAG on the WDR and NS neurons .

  5. 内源性下行抑制/易化系统与5-羟色胺对脊髓伤害感受性信息的调制

    Endogenous Descending Inhibitory / Facilitatory System and Serotonin ( 5-HT ) Modulating Spinal Nociceptive Transmission

  6. 家兔脊髓部分切割对脊髓背半部下行抑制作用的影响

    Effects of Partial Transection of the Spinal Cord on the Antinociceptive Action Produced by Stimulation of the Dorsal Half of Spinal Cord in Rabbits

  7. 中枢机制包括:失去了压力感受性反射和失去了延髓对脊神经元的下行抑制。

    The central mechanisms for autonomic dysreflexia include : the loss of the baroreceptor reflex and loss of tonic bulbospinal inhibitory input to spinal neurons .

  8. 根据各中药的镇痛协同作用,推测本中药制剂镇痛机理可能与元胡相仿,在于阻断脑干网状结构上行激动系统及一些下行抑制功能。

    According to above faction , we infer that the principle of that probably is to obstruct the function of reticular formation of brain stem and some descending inhibition .

  9. 众所周知,三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核(Vc)浅层是接受来自面口部伤害性信息并向上位脑结构传递的中继站,同时也是下行性抑制系统的投射纤维的主要终止区域。

    It is well known that the superficial layers of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus ( Vc ) is a relay station transmitting primary nociceptive information from orofacial region to the thalamus and lateral parabrachial nucleus ( LPB ) .

  10. 在正常机能状态下,SⅡ区对伤害性信息向尾核的传递有一定的紧张性的下行性抑制作用。

    Under the physiologic state , area SI had a tonic inhibitory descending effect on transmission of nociceptive message to the caudate nuclei 's.

  11. 上、下行两桥连接抑制桥梁横向振动理论研究

    A Theory Study on Suppressing Transverse Vibration of Bridge by Joining Two Bridges of the Up and Down Tracks

  12. 这将对美国联邦债务收益率产生持久的巨大下行压力足以使抑制政府过度支出的市场规律无法发挥作用。

    That would generate a large and persistent downward pressure on US federal debt yields big enough to preclude the discipline otherwise imposed by the market to rein in excessive government expenditure .

  13. 理论上,弹性市场的繁荣不会持续很长时间,因为随着新屋入市,价格会产生下行压力,从而抑制涨价预期并挤压泡沫。

    In theory , booms in elastic markets do not last for long because as new housing becomes available it puts pressure on prices , puncturing expectations of further appreciation and popping the bubble .