
  • 网络Upper Fall;High Waterfall
  1. 然后爬上瀑布,再回到我现在站的位置。

    And then , climb up the waterfalls right back to where I 'm standing .

  2. 爬上瀑布后,探险队员发现了进入洞穴的另一个入口。

    Once over the wall , the expedition team discovered a second entrance into the cave .

  3. 远足途中,我们乘坐小船渡过了小河,来到了一个相对偏远的山区,在上瀑布的路上拍下了这些照片。

    These are some pictures of a hike we took up to a waterfall after taking a ferry boat across the river to a somewhat remote area .

  4. 溪流从山上以瀑布状倾泻而下。

    The creek came pouring down in a waterfall off the hill .

  5. 我们沿着云蒸雾绕的小路爬上加利福尼亚瀑布上端。

    We hiked up a misty trail next to a waterfall in California .

  6. 如果是在沙滩上或者瀑布下,一直穿着鞋子也有益健康。

    Whether it is a beach or a waterfall , always wear your shoes to be healthy .

  7. 水上公园瀑布:在一个在海得拉巴,印度,水主题公园玩上周四印度儿童。

    WATER PARK WATERFALL : Indian children played at a water theme park in Hyderabad , India , on Thursday .

  8. 而在挪威孙达尔镇附近悬崖上的瀑布群中,这条由冰川水孕育而成的瀑布无疑成为了核心景观。

    This glacially fed waterfall is the centerpiece of a series of falls that line a cliff near Sunndalen , Norway .

  9. 如果你比较喜欢留在水面上方,那可以尝试尚比西河上维多利亚瀑布桥的高空弹跳。

    If you prefer to stay above the water , try bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge over the Zambezi .

  10. 基本上,瀑布开发的评估可以看作是在一个点上交付全部方案。

    Fundamentally , estimation in a waterfall environment is treated as if the entire solution will be delivered in a single shot .

  11. 包括世界上最大的瀑布&维多利亚瀑布。

    Including the Victoria Falls , the biggest waterfall in the world .

  12. 春天山上有许多瀑布。

    In spring there are many waterfalls on the mountain .

  13. 我敢说它也是世界上最大的瀑布之一。

    I 'm sure it is one of the largest falls in the world .

  14. 所有的土地上的这个瀑布和流动称为分水岭。

    All the land where this water falls and flows is called a watershed .

  15. 我很荣幸能够帮上忙保护瀑布镇不受吸血鬼威胁

    so I would be honored to help keep this town safe from vampires .

  16. 世界上最高的瀑布

    The worlds highest waterfall

  17. 他发现了许多河流、泊和山峦,包括世界上最大的瀑布&维多利亚瀑布。

    He discovered many rivers , lakes and mountains , including the Victoria Falls , the biggest waterfall in the world .

  18. 尼亚加拉瀑布与人们在山上看到的瀑布有所不同。

    Niagara differs from the waterfalls you find in mountains , where a thin stream of water comes down a mountainside , half-flying .

  19. 这些也许将完全改变或去除弦真空的地景,或者放弃在地景上聚集成瀑布般的泡泡。

    These may completely change or do away with the landscape of string vacua or with the cascade of bubbles that populate the landscape .

  20. 山上看到的瀑布是一条飞下山腰的细流;有的高于尼亚加拉瀑布,也许比它美丽,但它们却没有尼亚加拉瀑布的那种气势和爆发力。

    Some of them are much higher than [ 3 ] Niagara , and perhaps more beautiful , but they lack [ 4 ] mass and cutting power .

  21. 壶口瀑布是黄河上最大的瀑布,也是中国第二大瀑布,它因出现在50元人民币上而享誉中国。

    As the largest waterfall on the Yellow River , and second largest in China , Hukou Waterfall is known around the country for once gracing the RMB 50 note .

  22. 与我们榜单上的许多瀑布一样,这一小流量的瀑布经常受到季节性气候条件的影响,雨季水域加宽,旱季则变窄。

    Like a number of other falls on our list , this low-volume cascade is often affected by seasonal weather conditions . The width increases in the rainy season and narrows during drier months .

  23. 小说虚构世界中的尖塔则像“向上喷的瀑布”,是教长乔斯林盲目的利己主义的象征,最终因为没有牢固的地基而倒塌。

    In Golding 's novel , however , it is presented as " an upward waterfall " . It is the symbol of Dean Jocetin 's blind egotism which finally col-lapses for lack of a solid base .

  24. 从本质上讲,瀑布也只是一条从悬崖边飞流直下、汇集入潭,继而再次蜿蜒流淌的河流。这样看来,它的确朴实无华,但若明媚如画的景色再配上一道大瀑布,其带给人的视觉冲击却震撼无比。

    Although a waterfall seems simple in nature -- it 's usually a river that plunges over a rocky ledge into a pool of water , then continues flowing as a river -- the visual effect of a large waterfall in a beautiful setting can be breathtaking .

  25. 这是我只尝试进行3公里徒步旅行的一个好理由,去参观岛上50米高的瀑布——圣拉蒙瀑布(SanRamón)。

    This wasa convenient excuse for me to try a lighter 3km hike to the island 's 50m-highwaterfall , San Ram ó n.

  26. n.瀑布尼亚加拉瀑布是世界上最美丽的瀑布之一。

    waterfall The Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world .

  27. 加拿大有世界上最壮观的瀑布。

    Canada has the most beautiful waterfalls in the world .

  28. 伊瓜苏瀑布是美洲大陆上最宽的瀑布。

    Iguazu is the widest waterfall on the American continent .

  29. 赞比西河位于津巴布韦和赞比亚边界上的一个瀑布;季节性的减少。

    A waterfall in the Zambezi River on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border ; diminishes seasonally .

  30. 好了说说看我们参考上一届神秘瀑布镇小姐的花车

    All right . Show me . Let 's reference last year 's Miss Mystic float .