
dà bà
  • dam;main dam;dike
大坝 [dà bà]
  • [main dam] 水库、江河等的拦水大堤

大坝[dà bà]
  1. 修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。

    Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency .

  2. 他们担心大坝会溃堤。

    They were afraid the dam wouldn 't hold .

  3. 大坝决口了。

    The dam had been breached .

  4. 从山上冲刷下来的泥土就要让水电大坝淤塞了。

    The soil washed from the hills is silting up the hydroelectric dams .

  5. 大坝将高达600英尺。

    The dam will stand 600 feet high

  6. 大坝决口造成洪灾,70多人因此丧生。

    More than 70 people were killed in the floods , caused when a dam burst

  7. 大坝若是建成,会有一些明显的受益者:农民将得到灌溉用水,企业将得到电力。

    There are clear winners when a dam is built . Farmers get irrigation water , businesses get electricity

  8. 山区到处都是大坝,其中任何一个都可能给下面的山谷带来灭顶之灾。

    The mountains are studded with dams , any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below .

  9. 建大坝的项目取消了。

    The project to build the dam was cancelled .

  10. 大坝后面形成了一个大的湖泊。

    A huge lake formed behind the dam .

  11. 河水溢过了大坝。

    The river overflowed the dam .

  12. 洪水猛涨,大坝告急。

    The dam was in danger because of the rising flood .

  13. 大坝好似铜墙铁壁,顶住了洪水的冲击。

    Like an iron bastion , the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters .

  14. 大坝倒塌了,土地因而被淹。

    The dam broke down and in result the land was flooded .

  15. 大坝把河水拦腰截断。

    The dam cuts the river in the middle .

  16. 大坝出现塌方。

    A section of the dam has caved in .

  17. 大坝一定要在雨季开始以前合拢,否则就会前功尽弃。

    The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in , or all our labour will be lost .

  18. 大坝在汹涌的洪水中安如磐石。

    The dam held firm in spite of the surging floodwaters .

  19. 听到大坝出现险情,她心里一惊。

    She startled at the news that the dyke was in danger .

  20. 大坝溃决,洪水泛滥。

    There was a flood when the dam burst .

  21. 大坝溃决成灾。

    The dam broke and caused a flood .

  22. 如今,大坝不时地改变水位,从暴露的污水释放出了疾病瘴气。

    Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage .

  23. 基于GIS的大坝施工可视化仿真研究

    Study on Visual Simulation of Dam Construction Based on GIS

  24. GPS测量在水库大坝变形中的应用与分析

    Application and Analysis for the GPS Surveying in the Reservoir Dam Deformation

  25. 大坝CT技术研究概况与进展

    Review on dam CT technique

  26. 以福建省大坝群为例,开发了基于Internet网络的分布式安全监控管理系统。

    Take the Fujian Province dam group as the example , the internet based distributed monitoring and manage system of dam group is developed .

  27. netFramework技术开发基于B/S结构的大坝安全监测系统,可较容易地实现系统开发目标。

    NET Framework technology to develop the B / S structure dam safety monitoring , it is easy to realize system development .

  28. 大坝II期暖风器疏水系统改造过程中提出了解决办法,收到了良好安全经济效果。

    So put forward solutions for drainage system of steam air heater improvement which get good economic results .

  29. GIS和DEM技术在贵州万亩耕地大坝调查中的应用探讨

    On the Application of GIS and DEM to Investigation of 10000 mu Cultivated Areas of Province Guizhou

  30. 实例证明,基于中值滤波的GM预测模型可以有效地提高大坝变形的预测精度。

    It is proved through the example that the GM forecast model based on median filter could effectively improve the forecast precision .