
  • 网络shanghai business school
  1. 据上海警方的消息说,周五早晨,上海商学院的四名学生为了从火灾中逃生,从位于六楼的宿舍中跳下,以至身亡。

    Four college students died after jumping off their sixth-story dormitory at a Shanghai business school to escape fire early morning Friday , Shanghai police said .

  2. 我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。

    I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management .

  3. 订单式教育模式的三大利益相关者&上海商学院酒店管理专业校企合作办学原因分析

    The Stakeholders of Order-Education : a Research on the Reason for SBS - Hotel Cooperation

  4. 高职毕业生就业状况调查及对策&以上海商学院为例

    Investigation on Employment of Graduates in Higher Vocational Education and the Countermeasures & The Case of Shanghai Business College

  5. 我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。

    I am looking for a job . I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management .

  6. 对上海商学院高职毕业生就业状况的调查显示,毕业生就业流向与学校专业设置相匹配;

    Investigation to the graduates employment in Shanghai Business College shows that : employment flow of graduates is matching with specialty setup in school ;

  7. 随信附上我的简历一份,以说明我在上海大学商学院学习期间的突出表现。

    Enclosed please find my resume attesting to my outstanding academic performance at the Business School of Shanghai University .

  8. 我刚毕业于上海大学商学院,被授予学士学位,并荣获优秀生称号。

    I have just graduated from the Business School of Shanghai University , holding a bachelor degree and awarded the Title of Excellent Student .

  9. 上周六,兰尼斯在上海中欧国际商学院组织的一场奢侈品研讨会上发表了上述讲话。

    Lannes was speaking on Saturday at a conference on luxury goods organized by the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai .