
  1. PMC核燃料装卸贮存系统直接吊装核燃料组件,即直接面对核电站三道屏障中的第一道屏障&燃料包壳,其安全性是核电站核安全的重要保障。

    Nuclear fuel handling and storage system ( PMC ) is a system which directly handles nuclear fuel assemblies , namely , it directly faces to nuclear fuel cladding which is the first of the three barriers of nuclear safety for nuclear power station .

  2. 在资金回收环节上,根据保险行业的特点,构建应收保费管控的三道屏障:信用管理、应收保费管理和逾期保费催收。

    Regarding premium payment , three layers of protection are recommended for the management and control of premium payment to be collected according to thecharacteristics of insurance industry .

  3. 到2005年,完成三道绿色生态屏障建设。

    By2005 , three green shelters will be formed for the city .

  4. 构筑预防腐败的三道防线及其八大屏障

    Three Defense Lines & Eight Screens Anti-Corruption