
  • 网络Third-hand smoke;thirdhand smoke
  1. 但是以波士顿MassGeneral儿童医院JonathanWinickoff医生为首的研究人员最近提出警告,警惕“三手烟”的危害。

    But now researchers led by Doctor Jonathan Winickoff at MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston are warning about what they call " third-hand smoke . "

  2. 但是这些被调查者中,非常少的人知道三手烟的危害。

    But far fewer of those surveyed were aware of the risks of third-hand smoke .

  3. Matt教授说他的研究表明不吸烟的人的皮肤能够吞咽,呼吸或者吸收来自“第三手烟”的化学物质,这使孩子们置于危险的状况中。

    Professor Matt , says his research suggests the chemicals from this'third hand smoke'can be swallowed , inhaled or absorbed through the skin of non-smokers , putting babies at particular risk .

  4. 研究员们做了一项研究关于是否相信三手烟会可能给孩子们带来健康风险。

    The researchers did a study of adult beliefs about the possibility of health risks to children from third-hand smoke .

  5. 这种三手烟有毒混合物含有致癌物质,对接触到该物质的非吸烟人群,尤其是儿童,有潜在的健康威胁。

    This toxic mix of third-hand smoke contains cancer-causing substances , posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers who are exposed to it , especially children .

  6. 他解释说,三手烟就是吸烟者在电梯外吸烟后走进电梯时,或在有人吸过烟的酒店房间里能闻到的气味。

    Third-hand smoke is what one smells when a smoker gets in an elevator after going outside for a cigarette , he said , or in a hotel room where people were smoking .