
  • 网络Star Hotel
  1. 如果日程灵活,许多不错的假日旅行优惠也都可以考虑,比如说可以乘坐夜间飞机或选择较长的中途停歇,当然也有可能需要入住两星或三星酒店而不是四星或五星酒店,尤其在你只住一晚的情况下。

    Many of the best holiday travel deals come when you are flexible with your schedule . This may include taking red eye flights or having long layovers . This also might include staying in a two or three star hotel instead of a four or five star one , especially if you are just staying one night .

  2. 北海鸿华大酒店是一座三星级涉外旅游酒店。

    Beihai Honghua Hotel is a Three Star concerning foreign affairs travel hotel .

  3. 在三星的一家酒店里度蜜月;

    honeymoon in a Samsung hotel ;

  4. 但它仅在邻近香港的广东省拥有所谓的落地权,在中国其它省市,只有在三星级以上的酒店才可收看凤凰卫视。

    But it has so-called landing rights only in Guangdong , the province next to Hong Kong , and elsewhere in China in hotels of three stars and above .