
  • Trigeminal sensory nucleus;【医】nucleus sensorius nervi trigemini
  1. 结果:外源性NGF可减少损伤后三叉神经感觉核神经元细胞的凋亡,同时对三叉神经下颌支损伤后神经元动作电位的恢复有促进作用。

    Results : The sensory neurons apopotosis were significantly inhibited and the recovery of action potential were significantly enhanced by exogenous NGF administrating in models .

  2. FG逆行标记的神经元主要见于对侧三叉神经感觉核簇的脊束核及感觉主核,Vc的全长均有FG标记细胞,主要分布于Ⅰ层、ⅠⅡ层交界处。

    FG labeled neurons were found in Vc and principle trigeminal nucleus complex , especially within the whole length of Vc , with more in layer ⅰ and the junction of layers ⅰ and ⅱ .

  3. 与镇痛有关的结构,如导水管周围灰质、三叉神经感觉核、中脑中缝核等;

    The nuclei associated with analgesic function , including the periaqueductal gray substance , the trigeminal sensory nucleus , the raphe nuclei of midbrain etc ;

  4. 大鼠后索核、三叉神经感觉核神经元向小脑和丘脑的分支投射&荧光素双标记法研究

    The branching projections from the dorsal funicular nuclei and the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve to the cerebellum and the thalamus in the rat & a study with the fluorescence double labeling method

  5. 结论:三叉神经感觉主核是舌的主要终止核团。

    Conclusion : Lingual sensory afferent fibers mainly terminate in the VP .

  6. 猫舌快反应传入纤维与三叉神经感觉主核形成的突触类型

    Relationship between synaptic types of fast adapting lingual afferent terminals and postsynaptic dendrites in principal trigeminal nucleus in cats

  7. 第三类为与感觉有关的核团,如臂旁核、三叉神经感觉主核及连合核。

    Third group was-the sensory nucleus , such as parabrachial nucleus , main sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and the commissural nucleus .

  8. 双侧三叉神经感觉主核和脊束核;双侧延髓巨细胞网状核、旁巨细胞网状核、中央网状核、旁正中网状核以及同侧外则网状核;

    Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and spinal trigeminal nucleus , gigantocellular reticular nucleus , paragigantocellular reticular nucleus , central reticular nucleus , paramedian reticular nuclei ( bilateral );

  9. 5-羟色胺能神经元向三叉神经运动核和感觉核的投射

    Projection of serotoninergic neurons to the trigeminal motor nucleus and sensory nucleus

  10. 结论成年大鼠三叉神经运动核、三叉神经感觉核簇及三叉神经节中存在GDNF神经元。

    Conclusion These results indicate that GDNF neurons are present in the trigeminal ganglion as well as the trigeminal motor nucleus and sensory nuclear complex of adult rat .