
  • 网络Vanke Group;China Vanke
  1. 中国最大的住宅地产开发商万科集团(ChinaVanke)也已着手与金融投资机构合作。

    China Vanke , the country 's largest residential developer , has also taken steps to partner with financial investors .

  2. 主板包含万科集团(ChinaVanke)等地产股,以及电子产品生产商中兴(ZTE)等消费品公司。

    Its main board features property stocks , such as China Vanke , and consumer-related companies such as electronics manufacturer ZTE .

  3. 中国内地最大的房地产开发商万科集团(vanke)的总裁郁亮11月底表示,2012年万科在买地方面会谨慎行事。

    In late November , Yu Liang , President of Vanke , the biggest developer in the mainland , said the company would be cautious in making land purchases in 2012 .

  4. 据CRIC数据显示从2008年开始,万科集团已经买了13块黄金土地,成为中国二号地王,仅次于有国家支撑的保利地产集团。

    China Vanke has won 13 pieces of premium land in the country since 2008 , making it the No 2 land king after state-backed Poly Real Estate Group , according to CRIC .

  5. 万科集团品牌社区与品牌忠诚的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Brand Loyalty and Brand Community Focusing on WanKe Group

  6. 第五章,通过对万科集团的案例分析,进行房地产开发企业信息化的实证研究。

    Chapter ⅴ: By using Vanke Group as the case , we do the empirical research on the real estate enterprises ' informatization in this chapter .

  7. 作为中国房地产行业领跑者的万科集团成功的实现从多元化向房地产专业化的战略转变,并在地产业建立了一定的竞争优辨。

    As the pacemaker of real estate of China , the WuHan VANKE Real Estate Ltd Company had a successful strategic transform from diversification strategies to specialization strategies and found the competitive advantages among real estate industry .