
  1. 你在任何情况下都实实在在的希望加入我们的行列,那样我们就可以一起开始更大的旅程,共同荣耀光的密度。

    You are in any event intended to join us so that we may continue the journey together , into the glorious dimensions of Light .

  2. 我希望很快能见到大家,以便我们一起开始我们通往成功的旅程!

    I hope to meet you soon so that we can take the journey together towards success !

  3. 与其让你所爱之人和你一起开始这段疯狂的旅程,不如独自离开一段时间,离开以往的生活环境。

    Rather than bringing your loved ones along on this wild ride , why not take some time away from your usual environment .