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  • 网络a bowl of water
  1. 保罗正在端一碗水。

    Paul is carrying a bowl of water .

  2. 在跑完1000米之后,这位跑步者非常口渴,渴了一碗水。

    After running 1000 meters , the runner became thirsty and gulped a bowl of water .

  3. 他对待员工绝对是一碗水端平。

    He was very even-handed in the way he treated his employees .

  4. 例句:有几家广播公司因在竞选期间未能对所有政党一碗水端平而受到批评。

    Several broadcasters have been criticized for failing to give even-handed treatment to all the parties during the election campaign .

  5. 老太太对待她的两个孙儿从不一碗水端平。

    The old woman always made a difference between her two grandsons .

  6. 后来他又改变注意,只要了一碗水。

    Instead of a meal , he asked for a drink of water .

  7. 到时你再来告诉我,每个地方的服务生收入都应该一碗水端平。

    Then tell me again that the waiters should earn the same at each place .

  8. 那么您可以与面的邮票打开温暖一碗水了。

    You can then place the stamp with the face turned down on a bowl of warm water .

  9. 也就是说,具体到分配制度或办法之时,就要本着“一碗水端平”的原则。

    That is to say , specific to distribution system or ways , is in line with " even-keeled " principle .

  10. 写完药方后,赖爷转过身去,盛了一碗水,在其上方唱了一首精彩、冷森森的咒语。

    After writing the prescription , Ketut turns his back to us , fills a bowl with water , and keens a spectacular , quietly chilling mantra above it .

  11. 用一碗水将饰品上的番茄酱冲洗干净,然后彻底干燥。由于番茄酱中天然的酸性成分,你挚爱的银质饰品又恢复了原有的光泽。

    With a bowl of water rinse the ketchup off the jewellery and dry thoroughly to reveal your lovely clean silver thanks to the natural acid found in the tomatoes !

  12. 表面略平的石头,一铜碗水,毛笔,构成宋冬作品的三大要素。

    A piece of flat stone , a bowl of water , and a brush compose an easy set of fundamental elements for Song Dong .

  13. 在一碗中混合水,红糖,生抽,苹果汁。

    In a bowl , combine the water , brown sugar , soy sauce , apple juice .

  14. 中国人在50年代到70年代尝试过平等和公平的理念,那时,我们每个人都是喝一碗兑了水的稀饭。

    Chinese experimented with the concept of fairness and justice from1950s to70s , when the each one of us drank a bowl of watered porridge for the day .

  15. 例句:对这一双儿女,他向来是各不偏袒,都是一碗水端平。

    E.g : To this pair of children , he has been the non-selectivity .

  16. 然后将它们用一根细线吊起来,或是将它们置于一些可以漂浮在一碗水上的轻物体。

    Then one such needle was hung with a thin thread , or put on something light that floated on the water in a bowl .

  17. 玛丽已给桌子披上一块白桌布,我在桌上放了蜡烛和一大陶碗的水。

    Marcella had covered the table with a white tablecloth , and on the table I had placed candles and a large pottery bowl of water .