
  1. 他从一开始就错了。

    He was wrong from the very beginning

  2. 我没有意识到我一开始就错了。

    I didn 't realize that I was wrong from the start .

  3. 我觉得我们一开始就错了。

    I think we got off on the wrong foot .

  4. 这套理论从一开始就错了。

    From the outset , this was a false doctrine .

  5. 所以说丁娜一开始就错。

    So Tina lombardi 's on the wrong track .

  6. 她突然想到她一开始就错了。

    It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along .

  7. 但这项计划从一开始就错了,德国人负责此项项目。

    The programme got off very much on the wrong foot with the lineation programme the German were given responsibility .

  8. 我知道我一开始就错了因为我第一次约会就迟到了,但请你再给我一次机会好吗?

    I know we started off on the wrong foot because I was late on our first date , but could you give me another chance ?

  9. 我好像一开始就转错弯了。

    I guess I took a wrong turn when we started out .

  10. 我多次警告过你,这个项目一开始就已错了。

    I have warned you many times that this project was wrong at the outset .

  11. 棋子一开始就摆错了,比赛应取消并重新开始。

    The initial position of the pieces was incorrect , the game should be cancelled and a new game played .

  12. 所以,不怕前路坎坷,只怕从一开始就走错了方向。

    Therefore , bumpy road ahead is not afraid , I am afraid that from the outset , the direction is going the wrong way .

  13. 狗疾跑出去,毫无目标地狂吠了几声警告我多次警告过你,这个项目一开始就已错了。

    The dog trotted out and yapped a couple of warning at no one in particular I have warned you many times that this project was wrong at the outset .

  14. 我们一开始就犯了错,因为我们想尝试自行销售这个产品。

    We got off on the wrong foot when we tried to market this product ourselves .

  15. 我从一开始就知道他是错的。

    I knew from the beginning that he was wrong .

  16. 它一开始就让你们迈错了步子。

    It starts you on the wrong foot right away .

  17. 尽管他们召集了选举,也为此做了一段时间的准备,但是一开始就走错了。

    Even though they called the election and had been preparing for it for some time , they got off on the wrong foot .